

(3去年可比我们11月1日金博宝手机版网页2010 -多伦多领先的环保商业论坛,多伦多温室举办为期一天的会议上,绿色商业战略峰会,11月12日从有到八点。峰会将特性的结合互动工作坊,小组讨论和案例研究与深刻的演讲完成发言人马克•Stoiber泰勒榆树和吉姆·哈里斯。

峰会的与会者将有机会发展可持续性的商业战略的基础,基于最新的信息可以从领先的专家。金博宝怎么注册“可持续的业务是好的”,多伦多温室创始人兰迪·提尔。“有一个坚实的战略对于任何组织的成功是至关重要的发展绿色商业实践感兴趣。峰会将为企业领导人提供一个可行的计划,他们可以立即实现”。峰会将由三个跟踪,每个都有自己的目标受众:1。基础设施:面向业主和经理,架构师,设计师和房地产经纪人。代表们将学习最新的节能建筑,设计和“清洁技术产品、服务和趋势。188bet上不了2。操作:适合的采购/采购职位,办公室经理,人力资源和物流。主题包括员工敬业度、减少浪费和节约能源。 The content in these two tracks is geared toward executives and senior level decision makers who are either about to or have recently engaged, in green practices or corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. 3. Communications: geared to Marketing, PR and Advertising agency executives, Branding experts, Social Media consultants, and internal Corporate Communications professionals. Delegates will learn how to tell their company’s “green” story in an authentic and transparent way, and what the best “tools” are to reach their stakeholders. This track is catered to companies whose shades of green vary, from those finally ready to tell their story, to agencies whose client roster is demanding their engagement in the green space. Toronto Greenhouse launched in February 2009, and is best known for hosting their monthly Speaker Series that brings together Toronto’s green business community in an interactive, learning, and networking environment. With over 1000 event attendees per year, Toronto Greenhouse is the leading environmental business forum in Toronto.请访问www.torontogreenhouse.com为更多的信息。绿色经营战略峰会标志着第一个伙伴关系第三只眼媒体多伦多的温室
我们一起计划整个会议,关注通信跟踪,以及所有的公关、社交媒体和营销事件。联系人:凯莉庄士贤,第三只眼媒体P: 416-458-1491 E:kelly@thirdeyemedia.ca
