Dine Brands 2021 ESG Report Highlights People, Planet and Governance Initiatives

Dine Brands 2021 ESG Report Highlights People, Planet and Governance Initiatives




Dine Brands Global,Inc。(NYSE:DIN)是Applebee'skool'skool Grill&Bar®和IHOP®餐厅的母公司,发布了2021年的年度用餐报告,重点介绍了环境,社会和治理领域的关键计划和进步(ESG)。The report features Dine Brands’ first materiality assessment, which identifies the topics most critical to the company’s ESG efforts, including caring for the environment by minimizing food and packaging waste, responding to guests and working toward a more sustainable supply chain, empowering people and ensuring communities thrive, and being a good corporate citizen.

“The past two years have been both challenging and an opportunity to lean into our resilience and reinvention, especially when it comes to sustainability,” said John Peyton, CEO of Dine Brands. “I am immensely proud of our IHOP and Applebee’s franchisees, the team at Dine Brands, our guests and supplier partners—all of whom demonstrate their commitment to the planet and local communities every single day.”



  • 向当地社区捐赠了30吨粮食;在退伍军人日为Applebee的客人提供467,000顿免费餐点,并向IHOP客人提供101,000次免费煎饼
  • Increased total donations to organizations dedicated to children’s well-being to $12M (Applebee’s) and $34M (IHOP)
  • 在69家公司拥有的餐厅中,2019年基线的碳排放量减少了17.5%;在公司拥有并选择特许经营餐厅的基线用水
  • Reduced expanded polystyrene (EPS) packaging by 680 metric tons, advancing a goal of being 100% EPS-free by the end of 2024; diverted 27% of waste produced at company-owned restaurants (5,756 metric tons) from landfill
  • 召集了动物健康和福利咨询委员会,以指导政策制定并实现特定的蛋白质采购目标
  • 遵守可持续性会计标准委员会(S金博宝怎么注册ASB)餐厅行业披露主题
  • 扩大了吸引,参与和保留多样化的劳动力的努力,包括投资于六个新的团队成员资源小组,多样化的申请人面试小组和候选人板块,以及对CEO多样性与包容性誓章的承诺的承诺

佩顿说:“我们认识到我们正处于ESG旅程的早期阶段,尽管我们取得了重大进展,但我们对即将发生的事情感到非常兴奋。”“ Applebee和IHOP是世界上最具标志性的餐厅品牌,我们有一个独特的机会,可以对更健康的星球产生有意义的影响并建立更强大的社区。我们打算抓住这个机会。”

关于Dine Brands Global,Inc。
位于加利福尼亚州格伦代尔的Dine Brands Global,Inc。(NYSE:DIN),通过其子公司,在Applebee的邻里Grill + Bar和IHOP品牌下都将餐馆列为特许经营。Dine Brands是16个国家 /地区的3400多家餐厅,共有大约340个加盟商,是世界上最大的全方位服务餐厅公司之一。有关用餐品牌的更多信息,请访问该公司的网站www.dinebrands.com

苏珊·尼尔森(Susan Nelson),全球通信与公共事务副总裁,Dine Brands Global,Inc。
