Direct Relief宣布为乌克兰的790万美元人道主义援助计划

2022年12月13日4:30 PM ET

SLOVAKIA, December 13, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Direct Relief today announced its broadest financial package of medical aid for Ukrainians to date through $7.9 million in financial support to organizations providing critical health and rehabilitation services to Ukrainians and Ukrainian refugees facing debilitating injuries and other severe trauma caused or compounded by the ongoing war.

The financial support announced this week is the most recent infusion of support from Direct Relief, which has provided more than 1,000 tons and $640 million of medical material aid requested by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and other healthcare providers, including extensive supplies for treating traumatic injuries and a broad range of medications ranging from cancer therapies, insulin, and antidotes for chemical attacks to those needed for chronic health conditions.

最新一轮的财务承诺使Direct Relief对乌克兰和乌克兰人的现金援助总额达到2940万美元,并将为以下组织和努力提供帮助:

  • 乌克兰卫生部:为支持由乌克兰卫生部管理的国家医疗材料分配,直接救济将提供多达200万美元,以促进和维持医疗物流业务,直到2023年12月
  • 心理健康联盟:直接救济为斯洛伐克的心理健康联盟提供150万美元,以将心理健康服务扩展到居住在斯洛伐克的乌克兰难民,重点关注共享住房设施中的难民。188bet上不了该组织动员了一个由126名乌克兰难民组成的小组,作为心理学家和社会工作者,为包括儿童和老年人在内的高危人群提供个人咨询和同伴支持小组。
  • Unbroken National Rehabilitation Center:Direct Relief granted $1 millionto Unbroken to procure critically needed rehabilitation equipment and create training for center personnel. Unbroken, the largest facility of its kind in Ukraine, provides comprehensive treatment to patients from frontline hospitals, including surgeries, orthopedic therapy, prosthetics, and long-term rehabilitation
  • 乌克兰一线医疗响应者:直接救济的80万美元将在该国的医疗紧急船队在军事用途开始时重新分配为乌克兰的10辆翻新救护车,以大大减少前线医疗保健服务。188bet上不了
  • Dobrobut Medical Network: A $500,000 grant from Direct Relief to Dobrobut, the largest network of private medical facilities in Ukraine, will enable it to continue providing services freely to patients with war injuries and those requiring highly specialized oncology, cardiovascular, or surgical services care, as it has since February 2022.
  • Razom for Ucraine:一笔980,000美元的赠款,从直接救济到Razom,Razom是一家非政府机构,在乌克兰的地面上提供紧急医疗用品,将支持一系列努力,包括将医院装备与生成器,部署医疗团队,并为精神筹集资金健康与社会心理倡议。
  • Hromada: A $320,000 grant from Direct Relief to Hromada, which provides humanitarian medical aid to medical facilities throughout Ukraine, will support the training and deployment of 300 emergency psychologists and social workers in the country’s most war-affected regions.
  • 无国界的乌克兰经纪人:直接救济的30万美元将为15家医院提供发电机和较小的加热设备。乌克兰经纪人无国界是由乌克兰侨民成员开展的一项非营利性倡议,重点是备份权力的重要性以及最需要的医疗机构的权力与健康之间的相关性。
  • 消防医疗:直接救济的300,000美元将有助于维持斯洛伐克非营利性门业服务组织的运作,直到2023年3月。消防医疗医疗运营医院运输运输服务免费为目前居住在Bratislava以外Gabčíkovo人道主义中心的1000188bet上不了名乌克兰难民。
  • Motanka组织:直接救济的120,000美元将使Motanka能够在战争前线为医生和外科医生购买医疗和个人护理产品,手术设备以及药物。
  • Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital: $80,000 from Direct Relief to PFVMH, a non-governmental organization of civilian healthcare professionals saving lives by treating and evacuating injured Ukrainians on the frontlines of the war, will facilitate the procurement of an armored all-terrain vehicle to provide a mobile, heated and sheltered stabilization point for performing surgeries in the field.

直接救济本周在活动中宣布了赠款Ukraine斯洛伐克. Attendees included leadership from Direct Relief, the city of Lviv, the Ukrainian organization Unbroken, the US Embassy in Slovakia, the Slovak Ministry of Health and Crisis Management Department, and Slovakian organizations that included the League for Mental Health and Fire Medical.

直接救济总裁兼首席执行官托马斯·蒂格(Thomas Tighe)说:“乌克兰人民需要所有可以召集的帮助。”“这种直接救济的前所未有的私人人道主义卫生援助反映了全世界人民和企业的慷慨和参与,他们只是寻求与乌克兰人民站在一起并协助乌克兰人民。传达该信息是一种荣幸,该信息具有自身的特殊含义,即除了支持支持的实用,必不可少的服务之外,还具有关注的深度。”188bet上不了


“Seeing U.S. charitable organizations like Direct Relief stand with their Slovak counterparts makes me incredibly proud to be an American and to serve in Slovakia,” said US Ambassador to Slovakia Gautam Rana. “Announcements like these are proof that that though we are separated by an ocean, we are united by our shared humanity.”

“We are very grateful to Direct Relief for the support of unbroken Ukrainians,” said Oleg Samchuk, General Director of the First Lviv Medical Union. “With this funding, we will get even more opportunities for the treatment and rehabilitation of our people. I hope that our cooperation, at the heart of which is helping people, will be extended.”