


Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 10:15am

CONTENT: Press Release

SILVER SPRING, Md., March 31, 2022 /3BL Media/ —发现教育- 世界各地的Edtech领导者的最先进的数字平台在任何发生的地方都支持学习 - 为教育工作者,学生和家庭提供了许多动态数字资源,专注于金融素养月及以后的金融素养。

Taking place annually in April, Financial Literacy Month was founded by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and is produced by the Jump$tart Coalition. To support financial literacy wherever learning takes place, Discovery Education presents a curated collection of resources focused on financial literacy created in collaboration with leading social impact partners:

Help students connect economics concepts to current events and everyday life with timely activities, videos, interactive modules and more. From price discovery to supply chain dynamics, resources fromEcon Essentials, an educational initiative with Futures Fundamentals, examine real-world applications of complex market topics. Students will explore how changes in supply and demand curves impact prices, while a new hot topic activity looks at the ways businesses react to and mitigate the risks of such price fluctuations caused by supply chain disruptions.

Professional Learning
In this on-demand series, educators hear firsthand the benefits financial education has both on students and their teachers. Presented by Discover and Discovery Education in thePathways to Financial Successinitiative, this series sparks ideas, connects educators, and helps prompt conversations with administrators about the need for financial education.

Encourage community collaboration with the 6thannualCha-Ching Money Smart Kids大赛由杰克逊慈善基金会创建。比赛使社区能够为其小学投票赢得10,000美元,可用于教会孩子如何赚钱,节省,支出和捐赠的关键教育者资源。比赛开放至2022年6月17日,社区可以在cha-chingusa.org上为小学生找到更多资源。

Gamify Learning
与商业建设视频游戏Venture Valley合作,Discover Venture Valley使学生能够建立财务和商业基础知识。6至12年级的学生可以从游戏的力量中受益,并在与游戏互动时,以及一套与标准的资源,以了解诸如投资/股息,固定和可变费用,贷款,净收入与更多的投资,股息和可变费用等原则课程主题。

NBA,WNBA和Discovery Education联合创建了NBA和WNBA游戏改变者,这是一套充满活力的,充满动感的标准一致的资源,专注于公民参与度,通过激动的篮球来帮助学生探索世界。每个每月的剧集都有当前或以前的NBA或WNBA球员,教练或团队所有者以及他们如何利用声音进行积极改变的个人故事。当学生通过课程中的活动工作时,他们想起了他们可以用来改善社区和支持他人的技能,才能和经验。四月的内容都集中在金融素养上。

“I love supporting teachers when they incorporate financial literacy activities into lessons because I know that it’s not only helping students learn about critical topics, but it’s also helping to strengthen their ability to make smart financial decisions in the future,” said Michelle Wendt, Technology Integration Specialist at Stockton University School of Education. “With these resources and more from Discovery Education and their partners, equitable access to these critical skills can be extended to all children, wherever they are learning.”

Educators and students can find even more resources in the Discovery EducationK-12学习平台. Connecting educators to a vast collection of high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital lessons, intuitive quiz and activity creation tools, and professional learning resources, Discovery Education provides educators a recently enhanced learning platform that facilitates engaging, daily instruction in any learning environment.

“从小就了解财务状况的越多,他们就会越多地管理金钱。That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Singleton Foundation, Discover, Futures Fundamentals, Jackson Charitable Foundation, WNBA and NBA to bring engaging financial literacy lessons directly to students wherever learning takes place, all at no cost,” said Beth Meyer, Vice President of Social Impact at Discovery Education.



Discovery Education是标准数字课程资源,引人入胜的内容和K-12教室专业学习的全球领导者。通过其屡获殊荣的数字教科书,多媒体资源以及同类最大的专业学习网络,Discovery Education正在改变教学,创造沉浸式的STEM体验,并改善全球的学术成就。目前,Discovery教育为全球约450万教育家和4500万学生提供服务,其资源可在100多个国家和地区访问。受到全球媒体公司Discovery,Inc。的启发,与地区,州和志趣相投的组织Discovery Education合作伙伴合作,使教师拥有支持所有学习者成功的定制解决方案。探索教育的未来DiscoveryEducation.com.

Grace Maliska
Email: gmaliska@dicoveryed.com

CATEGORY: Education