

扬·李(Jan Lee)
2018年6月29日,星期五 - 上午11:15



实际上,这些小酒吧非常普遍,以至于我们通常无法逃脱它们 - 即使我们离开家也是如此。每当我们走进酒店房间或去餐厅时,我们都会向我们迎接多个小包装卫生的善良。在世界上约20%的人口中,我们住宿后所有这些肥皂都会发生的事情发生了什么问题;他们如何回收利用,并确保他们不会被大规模垃圾填埋场汇入,这是经常留给管理的问题。


但是Stefan Phang确实如此。多样性’s Regional Director for Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), for the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Turkey Region (AMAT) realized years ago that there was way to combine those little bars with philanthropy and produce better living conditions for millions of people across the globe.


In 2013 Phang launched what would eventually become Diversey’s肥皂希望CSV程序。他使用自己的网络技巧和Diversey的支持,说服酒店捐赠了他们从客房收集的废弃肥皂。同时,他开始与酒店附近的小型低收入社区接触,以了解他们是否愿意从事可以分配给低收入家庭的回收和重建肥皂的独特工作。

According to Daniel Daggett, PhD, Diversey’s executive director for sustainability and CSR, that out-of-the-box thinking helped launch a program that is now having international impact.

“Soap for Hope is one of our signature CSV programs,” explained Daggett, who said the innovative program has given Diversey the ability to partner with a wide spectrum of customers that use its services in the hospitality industry.

Daggett said the CSV program has many benefits, both for Diversey and its customers. For the hotels, it offers a sustainable way to ensure that the used soap doesn’t end up in the landfill. And it allows them to participate in a local initiative that improves their communities.

For Diversey, it provides an emblematic way of demonstrating the company’s values.

“[It] is really important for Diversey,” said Daggett, “not only because it helps identify our culture, what we stand for, but because we also see the real value of it in establishing relationships with our customers.

“It really ticks all of the boxes of sustainability and has a great environmental story. It has a great social story and it makes good business sense for us.”


“The idea is to be able to set this very, very small manufacturing station … anywhere,” said Daggett. “The concept is you can go into a rural village where they may have problems with access to clean water and not a lot of resources, and show up and say, ‘Look, here’s a business. It can provide a small amount of income and source of hygiene for your village.’ That’s exactly what the target is of Soap for Hope.”

Plus, it affords a door to teaching kids about the benefits of handwashing at an early age.

“Very frequently the Soap for Hope program will work in concert with a school,” said Daggett. “We teach [the children] how to wash their hands using the right amount of time. It sounds trivial, but there are actually [Center for Disease Control] requirements and regulations, even guidelines for how hands should be washed. Obviously we want kids to learn how to do it effectively. So there is often an educational element to it and kids get excited about something that may seem commonplace.”


Doctors have found that reducing child mortality numbers in developing countries doesn’t just depend on finding ways to improve access to food, but increasing hygiene and sanitation in disadvantaged communities as well. According toUNICEF,每天有多达2,000名五岁以下的儿童死于与腹泻有关的疾病。这些死亡中约有80%与不干净的水源以及卫生和卫生差有关。由于失业和教育障碍,缺乏改善生活环境的能力

达格特说,肥皂希望已经解决了其中一些统计数据,他指出,少量收入通常可以使我们理所当然地获得事物。By linking luxury hotels that have an unneeded resource with its nearby low-income neighbors, Soap for Hope not only helps ensure that the discarded materials don’t feed the continuation of a landfill, but gives kids a vision of a better life as they grow up. That “very small income” that the community earns through recycling bars of soap Daggett said, can often times be the deciding factor to whether or not a child goes to school, learns to read and has the potential to create a sustainable, income-earning career.

So far, the Soap for Hope program operates in 39 countries; more than 150 cities participate, and some 539 hotels support the recycling program. Daggett admits that not every country or community is likely to be a perfect fit for the program. Stringent manufacturing laws in the U.S. for example would make it difficult to set up a hand-operated soap manufacturing unit in a rural community without involved licensing processes and fees. But a growing number of communities in developing nations where endemic poverty from unemployment can have catastrophic impact are now benefiting from the program. Hotels and adjacent communities in Latin America and Asia now participate, with India being the latest country to come aboard.

视频提供多样性, Inc.