
Aug 13, 2018 2:30 PM ET

Domtar Newsroom

Domtar has been a longtime leader in sustainability in the forest products industry because we are committed to incorporating sustainability throughout our supply chain — from forest management and raw material procurement to manufacturing processes and how we work. We’ve made great progress on the Domtar sustainability goals we set for the year 2020.

In ouraward-winning2017年金博宝怎么注册可持续性报告, we highlighted our progress on our 2020 sustainability goals. Now, we are pleased to report in our2018 Sustainability Updatethat we have met or exceeded half of those goals.


Here are some key accomplishments toward our sustainability goals for 2020:

  • We’ve reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% since 2010, surpassing our goal of 15% by 2020.This represents a reduction in total direct and indirectGHG emissionsfrom purchased energy at pulp and paper mills. Fuel switching of six power boilers from coal to natural gas over the past few years provided the majority of reductions.
  • 我们在2020年的时间表之前完成了纸浆和造纸厂的水成本型号。A water-cost model helps our pulp and paper mills measure and more strategically manage the full cost of using water. We built the model after conducting pilot studies at five mills over the past two years, which allowed us to account for site-specificwater conditions. We plan to begin operationalizing the full cost of water into our business decisions and conducting additional water-cost assessments at other mills in 2018.
  • We increased the level of Forest Stewardship Council®-certified fiber procured for Domtar pulp and paper mills to 22% of total fiber use, exceeding our 2020 goal of 20%.We remain committed to lowering the technical and financial hurdles to increasing forest certification in our wood procurement regions.
  • We reduced our recordable safety incident rate to 0.78, our best year on record and a 55% reduction since 2008.We are working toward achieving our 2020 goal of reducing our recordable safety incident rate to 0.50 by increasing focus and efforts on injury prevention and the elimination of noncore, high-hazard tasks where possible.
  • We have expanded our EarthChoice Ambassador (ECA) program to 76% of company facilities.As of 2018, we have established ECA teams in 26 locations across four countries, bringing us closer to our goal of having 100% of our facilities participating in ourECA programby 2020.
  • 自2013年以来,我们将从纸浆和造纸厂发送给垃圾填埋场的全部废物总数减少了36%,接近2020年减少40%的目标。Our source reduction initiatives and new or expanded beneficial useprogramshave contributed to our progress on this goal.

Domtar Sustainability Goals: A Look at How We Work

At Domtar, sustainability is an endeavor that extends beyond environmental stewardship alone. We aspire to reduce risks, enhance brand reputation, drive business success and grow shareholder value. We are excited about the progress we’ve made toward many Domtar sustainability goals, but we know there is always more that we can and should be doing.