康宁公司本周将启动第二公民服务队,向印度西南派遣Ujire团队。 团队由10名道康宁最优秀球员组成 — — 来自日本、中国、韩国、德国、比利时和美国with manufacturing, logistics, laboratory, product development, marketing, sales, and a myriad of other experiences. For the past 9 weeks, they've been meeting on Wednesday morning (noon, or night–depending on where in the world they are located) to prepare themselves for this new adventure (that's the "discover" part). They'll be working with local organizations in Ujire on specific projects (that's the "serve" part). And they'll be looking at the world in a whole new way, to gain insight into market environment with which we have little familiarity today (that's the "innovate" part). I am so proud to work for a company which makes these opportunities possible, and for my colleagues–for their dedication and hard work. Bon Voyage! Do good!
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