DraftKings发布2021 ESG报告

DraftKings发布2021 ESG报告

2022年4月21日,星期四 - 上午10:15


波士顿,2022年4月21日,3BL Media / - DraftKings Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:DKNG),数字体育娱乐和游戏公司创建的,旨在通过每日幻想,受监管的游戏和数字媒体的产品来促进体育迷的竞争精神,today announced the release of its 2021 Sustainability Report, providing insights into DraftKings’ commitment to environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) initiatives. DraftKings identified the following key issues that impact its business and its shareholders:

  • 负责任的游戏
  • 人与社区188bet网址怎么打不开
    • 包容,公平和归属
    • 员工的敬业度,健康与发展
    • 188bet网址怎么打不开社区参与和DraftKings S.E.R.V.E.S
  • 环境管理
  • 网络安全和数据隐私
  • 企业风险管理与合规性

DraftKings的联合创始人,首席执行官兼董事会主席Jason Robins表示:“ 2021年对于Draftkings作为一家企业来说是巨大的一年,而我们取得的成就是我们对环境,社会和治理倡议的持续承诺所支持的。”“我们对所有利益相关者的关注,包括我们的员工,客户,股东和社区,我们成为全球的一部分,我们的长期成功得到了维持。我们认识到,我们的ESG旅程是不断发展的,并且一直专注于在这些领域的持续发展。”


  • Draftkings在环境可持续性方面的工作,该工作集中在与Arbo金博宝怎么注册r Day基金会协调的基金会资金的基金中。仅在美国,据估计,养殖植物的避免和隔离,避免了2800吨空气污染,避免了2,800吨的碳,并避免了6.99亿加仑的径流。
  • DraftKings继续支持与我们的一致的计划DraftKings S.E.R.V.E.S.使人建立包容性和负责任的途径,以供人们建立,创造,想象和创新。DraftKings通过其为200多名退伍军人和军事配偶提供了免费的高科技技能培训英雄的技术计划并筹集了用于自然灾害救济工作和乳腺癌研究的资金。2021年,DraftKings向地方,国家和国际慈善机构捐赠了近400万美元。
  • 草稿furthered its investment in evidence-based research to break new ground in responsible gaming, including the funding of the International Center for Responsible Gaming’s inaugural research on sports betting in the U.S., the Kindbridge Research Institute’s seminal research initiative, the 50x4 Vets Project, which studies military veterans impacted by problem gaming, and, most recently, a one-of-a-kind program to provide support to U.S. state problem gambling councils and affiliates of the National Council on Problem Gambling.



Draftkings Inc.是一家数字体育娱乐和游戏公司,旨在通过每日幻想,受监管的游戏和数字媒体范围内的产品来促进体育迷的竞争精神。Draftkings总部位于波士顿,由Jason Robins,Matt Kalish和Paul Liberman于2012年推出,Draftkings是唯一一位总部位于美国的垂直整合体育博彩运营商。DraftKings是体育博彩和游戏技术的多渠道提供商,为17个国家 /地区的运营商为体育和游戏娱乐提供了动力。草稿’ Sportsbook is live with mobile and/or retail betting operations in the United States pursuant to regulations in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. DraftKings’ daily fantasy sports product is available in 6 countries internationally with 15 distinct sports categories. DraftKings is both an official daily fantasy and sports betting partner of the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, PGA TOUR and UFC as well as an official daily fantasy partner of NASCAR. Launched in August 2021, DraftKings Marketplace is a digital collectibles ecosystem designed for mainstream accessibility that offers curated NFT drops and supports secondary-market transactions. DraftKings also owns Vegas Sports Information Network, Inc. (VSiN), a multi-platform broadcast and content company.

本新闻稿中的某些陈述是1934年第21E条的“前瞻性陈述”,修订了1934年的《证券交易所法》,以及1995年的《私人证券诉讼改革法》。当新闻稿中使用时,“估计,“预计”,“期望”,“预期”,“预测”,“计划”,“打算”,“相信”,“寻求”,“搜索”,“五月”,“威尔”,“应该”,“应该”,“未来”,“未来,””“提出”和这些单词或类似表达式的变体(或此类单词或表达式的负面版本)旨在识别前瞻性陈述。These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside DraftKings’ control, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. For a discussion of additional risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see DraftKings’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. DraftKings does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

