杜邦可持续发展金博宝怎么注册报告:肖恩·亨特(Shawn Hunter),杜邦水与保护的全球可持续发展领导者
杜邦可持续发展金博宝怎么注册报告:肖恩·亨特(Shawn Hunter),杜邦水与保护的全球可持续发展领导者
What excites you about your role as Sustainability Leader in the Performance Building Solutions & Corian® Design business?
有很多事情让我对我的角色和我们的可持续性工作感到兴奋!金博宝怎么注册能够与许多热衷于通过工作来提高可持续性的同事合作,这是一种荣幸,我们已经看到,兴奋在市场上越来越多 - 我们客户的可持续性吸引人从未如此强大。金博宝怎么注册此外,我们在业务中所做的工作通过定义我们的可持续性策略以及我们在业务领导力中所拥有的一致性来激活可持续性DNA,这使金博宝怎么注册我们的团队更容易理解和参与其中。这是最令人兴奋的事情之一,看到人们对这项工作的热情。
How has your team’s innovation helped advance DuPont’s sustainability goals?
Our awesome innovators have delivered some incredible innovations recently that are enabling huge reductions in embodied carbon and GHG emissions associated with our Styrofoam™ Brand Insulation and Froth-Pak™ Spray Foam products. Not only are these innovations helping our customers advance their climate goals, but they also drive significant GHG reduction for our company. I’m super proud of the teams that made this happen and thrilled to see the Low GWP Froth-Pak™ Spray Foam innovation recognized with ACC (American Chemistry Council) and ASC (Adhesives and Sealant Council) awards last year.
Can you share more about how we create value for customers through sustainability?
In the Performance Building Solutions & Corian® Design business, our customers are looking for innovation that helps them drive the transition to sustainability in the built environment. We can help the most with climate, circularity, and solutions that are safer by design. On climate, for example, we will continue to innovate for lower embodied carbon solutions and provide energy efficiency solutions that help drive total carbon of buildings to zero. Sustainability is core to our innovation strategy, and we will continue to seek partners and collaborators who are eager to work toward our shared vision. We’ve seen some great examples of mutual customer value creation based on sustainability, and our continued focus here will lead to even more innovation and sustainability win-wins in the future.
What’s next for you and your team?
We’ve made some great progress recently which we shared with our customers in our inaugural Performance Building Solutions & Corian® Design Sustainability Update and we have much more to do. With our vision set and strategy articulated, we are working to further activate and nurture the sustainability DNA in our organization to accelerate progress against our goals and cultivate a broader ownership of sustainability throughout the organization. We also need to drive capability development around sustainability, helping our team better understand what it looks like to innovate for the circular economy or how to apply green chemistry to develop a solution that is safer by design, for example. Already today we have some pretty cool projects in the pipeline that are aimed to advance all our innovation sustainability goals, and I can’t wait until we are able to share more about each of them!