Earth Day 2019: Our Long Term Plan to Address Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Earth Day 2019: Our Long Term Plan to Address Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Pepsico董事长兼首席执行官Ramon Laguarta

Monday, April 22, 2019 - 2:45pm



Two weeks ago, I joined the CEO of Walmart’s international business to discuss how PepsiCo can help them reach their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goals under项目Gigaton。就我们而言,到2030年,我们正在努力将整个价值链的绝对温室气体排放量减少20%,总体上避免了大约3500万吨的温室气体排放。这相当于普通汽车驱动的超过730亿英里,或者在百事可乐纽约州纽约州的一年中乘坐一半的汽车一年。这是一个基于科学的目标,它代表了百事可乐对实现2016年巴黎协定的最初目标的贡献:将全球变暖限制在前工业级别的摄氏两度之内。


  • We are curbing GHG emissions in our agricultural operations. Agriculture is the foundation of our business, with more than 30 crops and hundreds of thousands of agricultural jobs spread across more than 40 countries. So, this is an area where we can have a big impact. One way we’re making a difference is by working to end deforestation, because when forests are cleared or burnt, stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, mainly as carbon dioxide. And, through our Sustainable Farming Program, we’re helping farmers implement ways to improve soil health, such as cover crops and precision ag techniques, which can reduce the need for GHG-intensive fertilizers.
  • 我们正在遏制由包装造成的温室气体排放。包装出于各种原因为温室气体排放做出了重大贡献,包括生产油基塑料是一个碳密集型过程。因此,我们正在努力创造一个世界,在这种世界中,塑料永远不需要通过减少,回收和重塑包装来浪费。我们正在增加对PET瓶中回收内容的使用,与合作伙伴合作以提高回收率,并协作开发具有较低温室足迹的新包装材料,包括基于植物的塑料。并通过我们超越瓶子offerings, we’re giving people more sustainable and convenient ways to enjoy our beverages, at home or on-the-go, without the need for single-use bottles. These include SodaStream, Drinkfinity, and Pepsi Spire,随着今天的发布of our new customizable hydration platform, we’ve added yet another more sustainable option to our beverage lineup.
  • We are curbing GHG emissions in our operations and distribution network. We are supplied by 100% renewable electricity in seven European markets (UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy), and we are striving to deliver our products in increasingly sustainable ways. For instance, we operate the largest commercial fleet of electric vehicles in North America, and Frito-Lay North America’s fleet of trucks running on Compressed Natural Gas has driven over 211 million miles in total. What’s more, in December 2017, we placed an order for 100 all-electric semi-trucks from Tesla. In retail, we’re improving vending and cooler equipment by replacing less energy efficient models with more efficient ones—saving more than a billion kilowatt-hours of energy— and transitioning to hydrofluorocarbon-free equipment.
  • Finally, we are curbing GHG emissions by taking a holistic look at our products themselves. Our products are the culmination of everything we are doing to help build a sustainable food system and reduce our carbon footprint. Our Sustainable from the Start program helps ensure that each new product we develop has been designed with lifecycle carbon emissions in mind, providing our product development teams with tools to understand the impact of every decision that they make, from sourcing to packaging.



类别: 环境