Ecocentricity Blog: Trope-a-Dope

Ecocentricity Blog: Trope-a-Dope

By: John A. Lanier


Our goal is to inspire others to become environmentalists, working to harmonize business and society with our natural systems. Dollars certainly help in pursuit of this goal, but a compelling and authentic example of what to do, and why we should do it, is so much more valuable.

2019年4月24日,星期三 - 上午9:30

CAMPAIGN:Ecocentricity Blog


你知道什么是夸张的望远镜吗?整个“词典将[在此处插入单词]定义为…”。我知道您已经看过或听到了。Someone is trying to make some meaningful point, whether in a keynote speech, wedding toast, or some silly blog post, and they use the dictionary as a launching-off point because they can’t come up with a more creative way to introduce the concept. It’s tired, it’s lazy, and it’s exactly what I’m about to do.

When I became the executive director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation in 2013, I remember reflecting on which assets of the foundation were the most valuable. The dictionary defines “valuable” as “1: (a) having monetary value or (b) worth a good price; 2: (a) having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities or (b) of great use or service.” Both the first and second definitional category are interesting in this respect.

By the first definition, it would be hard to argue that anything other than our corpus is the most valuable. Ray generously left his estate to this foundation upon his passing, and those assets allow us to do all of our work and support all of our partners. I am grateful to Ray each and every day for empowering his family in this way.

By the second definition, our corpus is also valuable, in that it is extremely desirable and useful to possess. That said, I look to another asset as our most valuable, especially in light of this second definition – the story and legacy of Ray Anderson.

Our goal is to inspire others to become environmentalists, working to harmonize business and society with our natural systems. Dollars certainly help in pursuit of this goal, but a compelling and authentic example of what to do, and why we should do it, is so much more valuable. That is what Ray Anderson and the people of Interface represent.

In our soon-to-be-releasedMid-Course Correction Revisited,我花了第8章和第9章对读者进行了界面的进度,以及为什么由于Ray的环境顿悟而成为一家更具盈利的公司的界面。金博宝怎么注册我会通过指示您来总结第8章Interface’s latest metricsand Chapter 9 by saying employee engagement, cost reductions, new innovations, and marketplace goodwill come together to make a compelling business case for sustainability.

At a fundamental level though, these are the two chapters that encapsulate WHY Ray Anderson’s legacy is our most valuable asset. Ray represents the virtue of doing well by doing good, which was once thought to be impossible by the world of business and industry. He proved the possible – that an enterprise can increase its bottom line returns by being more environmentally responsible. If I can simply convince others to follow in his footsteps, I will be incredibly successful in accomplishing our foundation’s goals. For that reason, the name at the top of our letterhead is truly priceless.

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Valerie Bennett
+1 (770) 317-5858
Ray C. Anderson Foundation
CATEGORY: Environment