ecolabAhead of Pace to Save Enough Water for 1 Billion People

ecolabAhead of Pace to Save Enough Water for 1 Billion People

2018 sustainability report highlights how the company is helping businesses accelerate meaningful change


Ecolab的2018 CS金博宝手机版网页R报告


2019年7月8日,星期一 - 下午1:30

活动:2018 金博宝手机版网页CSR报告


2019年7月8日 / 3BL Media / - 全球水,卫生和能源技术的全球领导者Ecolab Inc.已发布其2018年企业可持续性报告,加快了有意义的变化,这突出了与世界各地的领先公司的合作,以减少环境影响金博宝怎么注册并节省成本。2018年出版物是Ecolab的第12届年度公司可持续性报告。金博宝怎么注册
“Whether it’s saving water or reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions, there’s a growing realization that these priorities go hand-in-hand with business growth and profitability,” said Ecolab Chairman and CEO Douglas M. Baker, Jr. “By the nature of our work, we help companies achieve their operational and sustainability goals.”
In 2018, Ecolab helped companies at nearly three million locations around the world:
  • Conserve more than 188 billion gallons of water, equivalent to the annual drinking needs of 650 million people. Ecolab is ahead of schedule toward reaching its 2030 goal of saving 300 billion gallons of water, equal to the needs of one billion people.
  • 节省19万亿英国热单元(BTU)
  • 避免24亿磅的温室气体排放
  • 消除5400万磅的废物
  • 开发一个可持续的过程,以推动全球最大的粮食和农业公司之一Archer Daniels Midland Company(ADM)全球运营的水管理改进。使用3D Trasar™冷却水技术,ADM每年获得23亿加仑的水节省。
  • 最大程度地减少SAP的水系统中的军团菌细菌的风险,软件行业和水安全管理实践的领导者,并帮助避免每年约800万美元的潜在收入损失。
  • Reducing corrosion and foaming issues within the operations of Energias do Brasil (EDP), one of Brazil’s largest electric utility companies, using Ecolab’s Purate™ Technology to help save 316 million gallons of water per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 18.9 million pounds annually.
ecolab's 2018 Corporate Sustainability Report was developed in alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) G4 core guidelines. The report summary and complete GRI Index are available
Ecolab(ECL)是近300万客户位置的值得信赖的合作伙伴,是保护人员和重要资源的水,卫生和能源技术和服务的全球领导者。188bet上不了Ecolab的年销售额为150亿美元和49,000名员工,提供全面的解决方案和现场服务,以促进安全食品,维护清洁环境,优化水和能源利用,并提高客户在食品,医疗保健,能源,招待和娱乐活动中的运营效率全球170多个国家 /地区的工业市场。
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