



ecolabInc. has increased its portfolio of Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) certified sites, adding two manufacturing plants in Lerma and Cuautitlan Izcalli, Mexico and its first-ever platinum certified facility in Taicang, China.



英石。明尼苏达州保罗,2022年3月22日,3BL Media / -Ecolab Inc.,全球水,卫生和感染预防解决方案和服务的领导者,增加了其水管理联盟(AWS)认证网站的投资组合,并增加了两个制造业188bet上不了Lerma和Cuautitlan Izcalli的植物及其在中国Taicang的首个铂金认证设施。新的认证确认计划可显着提高运营效率,减少废水并减轻水风险,以帮助为当地社区提供更富水的未来。

AWS是企业,非政府组织和公共部门的全球合作,以促进负责任的淡水使用。AWS认证证实,该设施已达到全球基准,以实现负责任的水管理,这既需要对积极的水管理的全面承诺,又需要与AWS International Water Stewardship Standard。Platinum certification recognizes elite water stewardship practices and performance that exceed the core AWS requirements and deliver significant positive impacts to the local community.

“Global water use, storage and distribution, including the lack of wastewater treatment, contributes 10% of global greenhouse gases. Industry can no longer ignore the vital link between water and climate,” said Ecolab President and CEO Christophe Beck. “Our focus as a global sustainability leader is to demonstrate this connection and help our customers achieve climate and business resilience through smart water management and a reduction in resource use. And that starts within our own operations. We will continue to demonstrate that companies can accelerate their growth while prioritizing superior water stewardship and the health of the planet and people.”


“Smart water management is essential to protect the environment and human health in our local communities,” said Ecolab Chief Sustainability Officer Emilio Tenuta. “It is also fundamental to the success of our business.”

经过Ecolab AWS认证的地点已经在为业务带来了有影响力的结果和回报。2021年,Ecolab在墨西哥的Lerma设施将其用水减少了12%。Ecolab的Taicang设施是零过程的液体排放厂,自原始AWS认证以来,其用水强度降低了40%。在短短两年内,该公司在路易斯安那州加里维尔的工厂每年减少了4200万加仑的总水量,相当于近50万美元的风险调整成本节省。

有关Ecolab 2030影响目标和迄今进度的更多信息,请访问。有关Ecolab致力于可持续运营的承诺的更多信息,请访问


Ecolab(ECL)是近300万客户位置的值得信赖的合作伙伴,是水,卫生和感染预防解决方案和服务的全球领导者,可帮助保护人们,星球和商业健康。188bet上不了Ecolab的年销售额为130亿美元,超过47,000名员工,提供全面的基于科学的解决方案,数据驱动的见解和世界一流的服务,以提高食品安全,帮助维持清洁和安全的环境,优化水和能源,并改善运营的运营全球170多个国家 /地区的食品,金博宝怎么注册医疗保健,酒店和工业市场的客户效率和可持续性。

