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Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 9:00am


Investment led by Astorg and BeyondNetZero, General Atlantic’s Climate Investing Venture; Ratings and Insights Leader Leverages Sustainability Intelligence to Fundamentally Transform Supply Chains, Private Equity, ESG-linked Loans, Climate Impact and More

纽约和巴黎,2022年6月15日,媒体 / -Ecovadis业务可持续性评级的领先提供商已筹集了5亿美元,计划加速其以可持续性智能金博宝怎么注册影响每个商业决策的愿景,成为可持续性影响独角兽。

The global investment round – the largest equity fundraising for a sustainability data SaaS company to date – brings EcoVadis’ total capital raised to over $725M and was led by阿斯托格andBeyondNetZero,,,,General Atlantic’s climate investing venture, with participation from Singapore-basedGIC和普林斯维尔首都Climate Technology Fund

“This investment is validation of EcoVadis’ model for scaling impact across global value chains, despite the pandemic, geopolitical or financial headwinds,"Ecovadis的联合创始人兼联合首席执行官FrédéricTrinel说。“随着越来越多的公司有权将地球和社会纳入其业务运营,我们将继续体验创纪录的需求。我们希望这项投资能够使我们能够在其可持续发展之旅的任何阶段与包括中小型企业和私人公司在内的公司结识,并协作促进实践和大规模影响力的改善。”金博宝怎么注册

跨200个行业类别和175个国家 /地区的95,000多家企业依靠Ecovadis来监视和改善其业务和贸易伙伴的可持续性绩效。金博宝怎么注册如今,Ecovadis是在采购和全球供应链中使用可持续性智能的先驱 - 在越来越多的金博宝怎么注册用例中使用,包括范围3碳排放管理,私募股权,ESG连接贷款,供应链,供应链,第三次 -政党风险和韧性等等。

“我们投资于有潜力以大规模打击气候变化的公司”said Rhea Hamilton, Managing Director at BeyondNetZero。“We believe EcoVadis has all the critical elements to make global impact and a meaningful contribution to the net zero transition, including a high-quality business model, strong leadership, innovative technology and a bold vision for driving ESG-oriented transformations across supply chains and industries. We are excited to back EcoVadis as the company enters a new phase of growth and look forward to partnering with its management team as we aim to further accelerate the company’s global expansion and climate impact.”

Ecovadiscontinues to experience rapid growth across its global customer base and network. Over the past 18 months, EcoVadis’ revenue grew 50% and its global workforce rose by 105%, reaching 1300 employees, 15,000 companies engaged with EcoVadis' new Carbon Action Module, and more than 500,000 companies were screened using EcoVadis IQ.


“我们已经追踪了Ecovadis多年了,并且对其强大的领导地位和快速全球增长的记录印象深刻”,said Benoit Ficheur, Partner at Astorg.“此外,阿斯托格(Astorg)是Ecovadis的第一个私募股权客户,使用其服务来评估和衡量我们的投资组合公司的ESG绩效并提高可持续性链接的融资。金博宝怎么注册188bet上不了这种伙伴关系在我们的投资组合中产生了变革性的影响,这有助于使Astorg成为ESG和私人股权界的ESG和可持续性领导者之一。金博宝怎么注册展望未来,我们看到了支持公司雄心勃勃的机会,成为私募股权和财务的标准。”

以前的资金回合包括2020年1月的CVC增长伙伴II(“ CVC增长伙伴”)和2016年Partech的投资,以及贝恩与公司的战略参与。CVC Capital Partners的技术投资部门仍然是该业务中最大的机构股东。

Ecovadis计划利用资金加速其全球规模,加深其人工智能和机器学习能力,进行战略收购并实现其愿景as a purpose-led company

The transaction is expected to close in Q2 2022 following regulatory approvals.

For more information,

About EcoVadis
Ecovadis是一家专业领导的公司,其使命是提供可信赖的业务可持续性评级。金博宝怎么注册各种规模的企业都依赖Ecovadis的专家情报和基于证据的评级来监视和改善其业务和贸易伙伴的可持续性绩效。金博宝怎么注册其可操作的记分卡,基准,碳动作工具和见解指导了200个行业类别(175个国家 /地区)环境,社会和道德实践的改进旅程。亚马逊,约翰逊和约翰逊,L'Oréal,联合利华,LVMH,Salesforce,Bridgestone,Basf和JPMorgan等行业领导者是与Ecovadis合作以驱动抗弹心,可持续增长和全球积极影响的95,000家企业之一。了解更多信息,,,,TwitterorLinkedIn

GP Bullhound acted as financial advisor to EcoVadis and its shareholders.


阿斯托格is a European private equity firm with over €17 billion of assets under management. Astorg works with entrepreneurs and management teams to acquire market leading global companies headquartered in Europe or the US, providing them with the strategic guidance, governance and capital they need to achieve their growth plans. Enjoying a distinct entrepreneurial culture, a long-term shareholder perspective and a lean decision-making body, Astorg has valuable industry expertise in healthcare, software, technology, business services and technology-based industrial companies. Astorg has offices in London, Paris, New York, Frankfurt, Milan and Luxembourg.

About BeyondNetZero

BeyondNetZero is the climate investing venture of General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm. BeyondNetZero invests in growth companies delivering innovative climate solutions that have the potential to meet and exceed net zero emissions targets, with a focus on decarbonization, energy efficiency, resource conservation and emissions management. This venture combines General Atlantic’s growth equity experience and global network with a team of experienced climate investors, advisors and industry executives who bring decades of experience in both addressing climate-focused problems and building pioneering growth companies. For more information on BeyondNetZero, please visit:

About General Atlantic



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