应该不足为奇,外环境影响发生的绝大多数公司的物理边界。温室气体排放(温室气体)报告可能使我们的最佳估计;碳披露项目(CDP)估计,超过50%的一个实体的温室气体排放是间接的范围3排放,同时卡尼说,数字接近80%(资料来源:CDP 2011年供应链的报告)。在本文中,我们看看为什么那么多公司正在解决供应链的可持续性,和用什么方法减少环境影响的供应链。金博宝怎么注册我们使用AMD,商会BCLC环境创新网络成员,作为一个案例研究中,报告说,63%的总温室气体范围3,其中超过90%来自于供应链。(其余来自商务旅行和员工上下班;看到这个页面或的更多信息AMD 2010年企业责任报告)。即使是最深远的气候立法,通过或提议,认识到供应链排放不是公司的法律责任。为什么那么多公司开始衡量和管理供应链的可持续性?金博宝怎么注册原因很简单。首先,许多公司感到压力从广泛的利益相关者,包括消费者、股东、零售商和非营利组织。第二,可持续的供应链是一种有效的供应链,提高供应链的性能可以提供多个好处的公司省钱,同时减少的影响。尽管高影响的供应链和寻址的潜在好处,大多数企业还没有仔细看看这个问题。CDP报道,57企业参与供应链的计划,87%的温室气体减排目标,但只有45%的这些包括供应链。哪些公司是潜水?从我们的经验,公司有一个高水平的责任利益相关者和公众有更多的可见性行动感到更大的压力。 In addition, companies that can more easily influence their suppliers find it easier to act and reap the benefits. So when companies are insulated from stakeholders or when supply chains are unruly, large, or often in flux, implementing a deep sustainability program isn’t easy. Learning from others’ experiences can help smooth the path. Companies are finding a host of ways to reduce supply chain impacts, and these include: (1) using ecodesign principles to make more sustainable products; (2) implementing green procurement policies that select more environmentally friendly providers; (3) helping suppliers improve onsite operational efficiency; (4) improving logistics to save time and money while reducing impact; (5) reducing or switching to eco-friendly packaging; (6) using footprinting or life cycle analysis as a tool to understand impact; and (7) improving and managing communication with suppliers. But which approach is right to take for your company? The key is to understand how your supply chain is structured and use that to find opportunities. When a firm has a large number of suppliers, when competition between potential suppliers exists, or when the final product is a commodity with infrequent innovations, developing reporting systems to grade suppliers is a promising approach. CDP call this ‘Buyer Advantage’, since buyers can pick and choose suppliers. This can also be thought of as a technical approach to manage an efficient supply chain structure (Parmigiani,。,Klassen, R.D., Russo, M.V., 2011. Journal of Operations Management, 29: 212–223.)报告或记分卡方法给另一套标准,除了成本和质量的考虑,企业可以判断供应商和确定购买。沃尔玛的这种方法的可持金博宝怎么注册续性计分卡是一个著名的例子,和平衡全面的和负责任的标准与减少负担供应商是成功的关键。另一方面,当一个公司有较少的供应商,当每个供应商填补了至关重要的作用,很难取代,在与供应商的关系更深更长,或者当供应商创新是保持市场优势的关键,一个记分卡系统的“威胁”是更少的选项,并加强沟通与供应商可能是最好的出路。这通常被称为“供应商优势”(CDP)或关系的方法在响应性供应链(Parmigiani等)。这正是AMD的情况。相对较少的铸造厂生产AMD晶片,和这些供应商最多的供应链风险。在过去的两年里,AMD公司责任团队建立了与这些铸造厂季度评估。在这些评论中,铸造厂报告几个关键指标跟踪进度,如温室气体排放、能源使用、用水,废物体积,和环境法规遵从性。对于其他供应商,可持续性是集成到现有的供应金博宝怎么注册链流程利用强劲的现有关系和铅源经理和供应商之间的密切沟通。通过AMD的业务审查过程,可持续发展和企业责任是注册的供应商绩效评估,评估的频金博宝怎么注册率-每季度或每半年由供应商确定的风险。 According to AMD’s Corporate Responsibility Manager, Heather O’Cleirigh, “through this process, and due to strong existing relationships, AMD and our suppliers work together to reduce environmental and social impact.” Given the complexity of the issue, it isn’t surprising that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. For us, there are three key steps in any comprehensive supply chain initiative: (1) Determining and building support for an approach, (2) Developing a system to collect and track information, and (3) Influencing supplier decision-making. Underlying all of this is a set of robust performance metrics, which are critical for executive buy-in, determining cost-effective actions, and creating competition among suppliers. In a survey of 582 European companies, over half are already using sustainability performance criteria with suppliers, and among Scandinavian countries 77% do so (毕博4th供应链监控,2010 - 2011)。似乎自相矛盾的,供应链构成的主要环境影响,仍然是一个相对较新的前沿企业可持续发展。金博宝怎么注册很明显,有很好的理由攻击供应链只有在低处的水果了。但是当我们得到更好地理解和管理供应链,以及工具和指标标准化的行业内,供应链将上升到公司可持续发展的前沿。金博宝怎么注册詹姆斯Barsimantov本金和创始人之一 EcoShift,一个 领先的公司在企业可持续发展和温室气体排放。金博宝怎么注册他收到了他的博士学位从加州大学环境研究,圣克鲁斯关注环境经济学,政策,和自然资源管理。Barsimantov博士的工作重点是开发可持续性报告和认证框架,包括定义适当的协议、标准金博宝怎么注册、和工具。这项工作使他支持广泛的私人和公共组织的创建和实现可持续发展和温室气体减排项目。金博宝怎么注册他写了多个气候行动和可持续性计划,发展放置跟踪工具,定义特定于行业的最佳实践可持续发展金博宝怎么注册努力工作。Barsimantov博士也教环境政策和经济,环境研究和可持续发展项目设计和电气工程部门在加州大学圣克鲁斯。金博宝怎么注册 点击这里发表评论,查看原文BCLC的网站。AMD20819