


Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 11:55am

We believe that pipelines are the safest and most reliable way to transport the oil and natural gas that fuel our economy and enable modern society. While infrequent, spills or releases of oil or gas are possible and have the potential to affect people, communities and the environment. Our asset integrity practices are aimed at ensuring that our pipeline systems are maintained in the condition they were designed to be—so that the environment and those living around pipelines are protected, and that we can ensure the reliable and safe delivery of energy to our customers.



To underscore our commitment to our goal of zero incidents, we implemented a new voluntary industry standard (CSA Z260-19: Pipeline system safety metrics) for pipeline system safety performance enterprise-wide in 2020. The heightened transparency around leaks and releases is resulting in conversations about the cause of, and how to prevent, even very small incidents with the most senior members of Enbridge’s leadership and has been used to establish a baseline for setting business unit targets going forward. This new integrity management standard is intended to drive industryleading practices across Enbridge so that safety of our assets is demonstrated, not assumed.


Disruptive technology for inline inspection


Enbridge和NDT Global开发了下一代裂纹工具(NGCT),以支持我们的检查工作。该技术从不同的角度检查了管墙的内部,并检测和尺寸以前无法检测到的功能,可以仔细研究。最终,这意味着在我们的管道网络上更好的健身性评估,并通过证明线完整性而无需进行静水测试来减少用水的使用。NGCT在2020年沿我们的主线原油和液体网络检查了约524公里的管道,在检查约524公里的管道中收集了239个数据,这使我们能够确保我们的管道网络比以往任何时候都可靠,更安全。



In 2020, Enbridge team members participated in two key initiatives to advance BVLOS capabilities. In the U.S., we’re involved in a collaborative project, sponsored by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Pipelines Research Council International (PRCI), which is demonstrating automated detection of threats to pipeline operations on a long-endurance (17 hours) unmanned platform.

在加拿大,我们一直在支持加拿大运输公司(Transport Canada)启动的工作,加拿大运输公司(Transpling Canada)发放了第一份BVLOS许可证,用于检查平民领空中的偏远石油和天然气资产向总部位于艾伯塔省的加拿大无人机。2020年底,我们成功完成了八公里的BVLOS飞行,该飞行在Athabasca地区的Enbridge管道中的一段路线上,捕获了高分辨率可见和热成像,同时展示了航空公司级的安全基础设施。

Emergency preparedness and response

While we plan for safe, reliable, incident-free operations, potential threats to our business can come in many forms—including pandemics, natural disasters or emergencies involving workers and damage to oil and gas facilities—and we must be prepared. As an operator of critical energy infrastructure, we have measures in place to anticipate risks, and to respond to and minimize impacts should an incident occur.


Employees and contractors are well trained and equipped to ensure a safe, rapid and effective response. We also maintain the Enbridge Enterprise Emergency Response Team (E3RT), a cross-business unit group trained to respond to large-scale events in Canada and the U.S.

In 2020, we conducted more than 186 exercises and emergency response drills based on real-life scenarios to hone our skills and capabilities. We took a big step forward by greatly increasing Indigenous participation in these training exercises. We also created a new incident notification protocol for informing Indigenous communities and small communities about incidents.


CATEGORY: Environment