

Company outlines progress against goals and plans for continuous improvement in areas of ESG

Thursday, June 23, 2022 - 10:30am

CALGARY, Alberta, June 23, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Enbridge Inc. (Enbridge or the Company) (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) published its 21st annual Sustainability Report (Report), offering stakeholders information about the Company's continuous improvement in areas of environment, social, and governance (ESG) performance.

恩布里奇副总裁兼首席可持续发展官皮特·谢菲尔德(Pete Sheffield)表示:“从许多方面来说,当恩布里奇(Enbridge)在2020年宣布该公司的ESG目标时,它激发了我们组织作为一家公司的发展。”金博宝怎么注册“ 2021年的可持金博宝怎么注册续发展报告表明,我们在为自己设定的ESG目标方面取得了切实的进步。我们知道他们是雄心勃勃的,但我们付出了挑战,我们的早期进步表明了我们的承诺。”







  • 目标: Reduce GHG emissions intensity 35 per cent by 2030:进步: Reduced emissions intensity by 27 per cent from a 2018 baseline, including a two per cent reduction in 2021.
  • 目标:到2050年,净零温室气体排放。进步:从2018年的基线到2021年,绝对温室气体排放量减少了20%。

Workforce and Board of Director diversity and inclusion by 2025

  • 目标:到2025年,Enbridge劳动力的种族和少数民族群体28%。进步: 23 per cent through 2021.
  • 目标: 3.5 per cent Indigenous representation within the workforce by 2025.进步:2.2%至2021年。
  • 目标:到2025年,董事会的女性代表40%,董事会的种族和族裔群体代表也有20%。进步: 33 per cent women on the Board of Directors and 33 per cent racial and ethnic groups.
  • 目标: Greater awareness of the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion.进步:无意识的偏见和反种族主义培训在2021年为所有员工完成;100%的员工在2022年底之前接受土著文化意识培训。

Clickhereto see the full Enbridge 2021 Sustainability Report.

Enbridge Forward-Looking Information

本新闻稿中包括了前瞻性信息或前瞻性陈述,以提供有关Enbridge Inc.(“ Enbridge”或“ Company”)及其子公司和分支机构的信息,包括管理层对Enbridge及其子公司的评估。未来的计划和运营。此信息可能不适合其他目的。前瞻性陈述通常由诸如“预期”,“期望”,“''','''','','''','','','''','','',''','''','''','''',“预测”,“'','''',''打算以诸如'预期',''''',''''','''',''','','','''''的词法陈述。','''',“相信”,“可能”和类似的词,暗示了关于前景的未来结果或陈述。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息或陈述包括有关能源过渡的陈述,包括Enbridge的方法;环境,社会和治理(ESG)目标和目标,包括与温室气体(GHG)减少以及多样性,公平和包容性相关的目标;我们的计划实现我们的ESG目标和目标,并监视和报告我们的进度;在气候变化情景下,我们的资产和增长机会的预期弹性;我们的计划继续与第三方有关范围3排放的计划。

Although Enbridge believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable based on the information available on the date such statements are made and processes used to prepare the information, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and readers are cautioned against placing undue reliance on forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements involve a variety of assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, levels of activity and achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Material assumptions include assumptions about the following: energy transition including the drivers and pace thereof; the expected supply of, demand for, and prices of crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGL), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and renewable energy; anticipated utilization of our existing assets; exchange rates; inflation; interest rates; operational reliability and performance; customer, regulatory and stakeholder support and approvals; changes in legislation, regulations or government policy applicable to our businesses; weather; litigation; impact of capital project execution on the Company's future cash flows; credit ratings; capital project funding; hedging program; financial strength and flexibility; debt and equity market conditions, including the ability to access capital markets on favorable terms or at all; cost of debt and equity capital; economic and competitive conditions; changes in tax laws and tax rates; the development and performance of technology and new energy efficient products, services and programs; long-term energy future scenarios; and successful collaboration with partners and others to advance ESG goals. Assumptions regarding the expected supply of and demand for crude oil, natural gas, NGL and renewable energy, and the prices of these commodities, are material to and underlie all forward-looking statements, as they may impact current and future levels of demand for the Company's services. Similarly, energy transition, including the drivers and pace thereof, exchange rates, inflation and interest rates impact the economies and business environments in which the Company operates and may impact levels of demand for the Company's services and cost of inputs, and are therefore inherent in all forward-looking statements. Due to the interdependencies and correlation of these macroeconomic factors, the impact of any one assumption on a forward-looking statement cannot be determined with certainty.


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来源Enbridge Inc.