Enel XCollaborates With Biogen to Electrify Take-Home Vehicle Fleet in North America

Jun 29, 2021 10:15 AM ET

马萨诸塞州剑桥和加利福尼亚州圣卡洛斯,6月29日,2021年 / 3BL Media / -Enel X,ENEL集团的高级能源服务部门,今天宣布正188bet上不了在与Biogen Inc.(Nasdaq: BIIB) to electrify the global biotechnology company’s employee commercial fleet. As a member of the Climate Group’s EV100, a global initiative of companies accelerating the global transition to electric vehicles (EVs), Biogen is committed to transitioning its global fleet of over 1,000 vehicles to EVs by 2025. This collaboration with Enel X advances progress on Biogen’sHealthy Climate, Healthy Livesinitiative to go fossil fuel free by 2040 and improve public health by advancing global targets for climate change and air pollution reduction.

According to theIEA, private sector demand for zero-emission commercial vehicles has accelerated the market for EVs. Through the collaboration, Biogen will provide employees with Enel X JuiceBox smart home charging stations, offering employees the convenience to charge company EVs at home, where more than 80% of EV charging typically takes place.

Enel X正在为Biogen提供交钥匙车队管理解决方案,包括果汁盒智能充电站和果汁舰队物联网软件通过优化的充电时间管理电动车队,以及用于电台监视的远程访问控制以及实时监视和报告。This will provide Biogen with the cleanest charging option for its take-home fleet, reduce Biogen’s fleet operating costs over the lifetime of the EVs, and help balance the grid by utilizing off-peak charging, which generates bill savings for the customer and reduces strain on the grid during peak periods. Additionally, Biogen is providing its take-home fleet drivers with Enel X’sJuiceeco,要匹配无碳电力充电期间每个电动汽车消耗的能量。

Enel X North America Enel X North America的E-Mobility负责人Giovanni Bertolino说:“世界上许多金博宝怎么注册最大的公司都通过使其舰队充气来拥抱可持续性承诺的下一个重大发展。”“ Enel X在追求脱碳策略时,正在扩大1000家财富1000强公司的带屋舰队解决方案。我们与Biogen的关系将在帮助公司履行其电气化承诺,减少排放并节省成本的情况下发挥重要作用。”

在2014年实现碳中立性之后,Biogen是第一家财富500强公司犯罪to fully decarbonize its operations by 2040 as part of Healthy Climate, Healthy Lives™, its $250 million initiative to eliminate emissions and improve public health. Biogen was the first U.S. biotech company to join the Business Ambition for 1.5C, with ambitious Science Based Targets initiative approved goals. Electrifying Biogen’s fleet of over 1,000 electric vehicles around the world will represent emissions reductions of at least 7,000pounds CO2每年每年。

“通过这种合作,我们正在遵循科学,这清楚地表明了减少碳排放的迫切需要,并正在寻求机会通过消除车辆排放来促进公共卫生。我们希望通过与Enel X的合作来促进这两个目标,以使我们的商用车振兴2,这是Biogen承诺无化石燃料的重要里程碑。” Biogen环境可持续性总监Jennifer Wright说。金博宝怎么注册“ Enel X分享了我们对脱碳的愿景,并提供了使我们能够提高该愿景的解决方案。”

Both Enel X and Biogen share commitments to 100% fleet electrification with aggressive targets. Enel, the parent company of Enel X, is committed to achieving complete decarbonization by 2050. Enel has outlined clear objectives certified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) around occupational health, sustainable supply chain, governance structure and environmental management.

Today’s news follows Enel X’s May announcement of a partnership with the Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority on a new solar and battery storage microgrid that will power an all-electric public transportation bus fleet for the island. Additionally, in September Enel X, with support from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center宣布了一个项目与马萨诸塞州湾运输管理局(MBTA)一起支持MBTA公共巴士舰队的电气化。

About Enel X

Enel X是Enel Group的全球业务线,提供加速创新并推动能源过渡的服务。188bet上不了ENEL X是高级能源解决方案领域的全球领导者,它管理着全球级别总容量的6 gw的需求响应,在全球范围内安装了约100 MW的存储容量,以及1188bet上不了95,000台电动汽车充电站附近提供的服务。地球1。通过其先进的解决方案,包括能源管理,金融服务和电动移动性,Enel X为每个合作伙伴提供了直观的,个性化的技术平台生态系统和咨询服务,专注于可188bet上不了持续性和循环经济原则,以便为人们,社区,机构和机构和机构和机构和机构提供金博宝怎么注册具有替代模型的公司尊重环境并将技术创新整合到日常生活中。每个解决方案都有能力将脱碳,电气化和数字化目标转变为每个人的可持续行动,以共同建立一个更可持续和有效的世界。

1Public and private charging stations. It includes interoperability points.

在北美,Enel Xhas around 4,500 business customers, spanning more than 35,000 sites and representing approximately $10.5B in energy spend under management. Enel X North America has approximately 4.7 GW of demand response capacity, over 70 battery storage projects that are operational and under contract, and more than 70,000 smart EV charging stations. Enel X advises large energy users on energy procurement, sustainability, and risk management, and has completed 65,000 energy procurement events including 3,000 MW of long-term renewable energy contracts. The company’s intelligent DER Optimization Software is designed to analyze real-time energy and utility bill data, improve performance, and manage distributed energy assets across a number of different value streams and applications. JuiceNet, Enel X’s smart EV charging platform, delivers energy services to utilities, businesses, drivers and automotive manufacturers.

Enel X北美
克里斯塔·巴纳比(Krista Barnaby)