

As part of our enterprise science-based targets, employees in our Hershey manufacturing plant in São Roque, Brazil found innovative ways to create change and reduce emissions.
“我很荣幸能成为这些举措的一部分,不仅是因为实现这些目标的影响将对我们的公司和备受喜爱的产品意味着什么,而且对我们的社区和我本人产生影响。整个团队一直在寻求机会188bet网址怎么打不开更可持续。”Denio Alexandre D. Ponce

Monday, April 25, 2022 - 8:00am

活动:Hershey I Minimizing Our Environmental Footprint


By Denio Alexandre D. Ponce, Supervisor, Industrial Projects & Engineering, Hershey Brazil

Key Takeaways:

  • Achieving our ambitious science-based targets to reduce our global emissions requires on-the-ground activation in Hershey facilities around the world.
  • In 2021, we launched a companywide energy program and joined the ENERGY STAR® Challenge for Industry to reduce energy intensity by 10 percent within five years.
  • Our manufacturing plant in Brazil met the goal in just one year. This is an example of how passionate employees in São Roque are making a difference.

I’m proud of our science-based targets and ambitious goals to significantly reduce GHG emissions reach each one of our Hershey teams around the world—from our headquarters in Hershey, Pa., to our manufacturing plants in Memphis, Stuarts Draft, Virginia, or in this case, São Roque, Brazil— to find innovative ways to create positive change. Increasing the energy efficiency of our facilities and investing in clean, renewable energy are important parts of how we will reach thesegoals announced in spring 2021。为了推动我们的承诺取得进展,每个好时的设施都有指定的能源冠军,负责实施碳储蓄,实现节能目标,促进员工参与度以及确定减少能源和效率的机会。 

我们的整体ESG策略被Hershey Green Teams: groups of Hershey employees around the world who come together with a shared interest in leaving the planet in a better condition than when we found it and helping Hershey do its part.

We’re also partnering with external experts to drive our efforts forward and hold ourselves accountable to change. In 2021, Hershey partnered with ENERGY STAR and joined the ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry, committing to reducing energy intensity in our facilities by 10 percent within five years. The program calls upon employees in each of our facilities around the world to actively engage in emission reduction initiatives as part of day-to-day operations.


As the Energy Champion in São Roque, I’m always looking for opportunities to reduce our environmental impact due to the climate change risks in Brazil. This effort extends well beyond my role as the entire team is always looking out for ways to make a difference. To start this project and raise employee awareness of the initiative and potential impact, we evaluated a series of activities with team members from across the plant and empowered each of them to look for opportunities for energy reduction—this proved to be an important part of building an environment of continuous improvement. The team immediately started activating on the opportunities to reduce our consumption (which also reduced our energy costs) through process and equipment optimization, lighting upgrades and the addition of automated timers to reduce the duration of motor run time. Upgrades to instantaneous steam generation reduced our consumption of natural gas when compared to former processes. The impact of these changes was a 10 percent reduction in energy intensity four years ahead of schedule.

在美国,我们也加入了U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings, Better Plants Programto leverage the program’s energy management tools and identify energy saving opportunities. Through this program, we aim to reduce energy intensity throughout our U.S. manufacturing operations by 20 percent within 10 years. In tandem, we are accessing and leveraging additional energy management tools to further uncover energy saving opportunities.

One Piece of a Deeper Impact


所有这些努力(结合了世界各地的好时绿色团队和员工的许多努力)产生了巨大的影响,并且对我自己的生活有意义。在空闲时间,我和我的家人探索公园并维护社区花园。188bet网址怎么打不开成为这些项目的一部分意味着我们在今天有所作为的同时为下一代建立了更美好的未来。I’m amazed at the change we were able to make within our own teams and facility—just think about what achieving the energy reduction goal ahead of schedule will mean for our energy consumption over the next decade, not to mention the impact of all the Hershey facilities as they work toward this goal and others. Together, we’re truly creating a brighter future.