

2016年11月16日,星期三 - 上午10:40


In today’s world, where our devices seem to blur the lines between personal and professional, it’s easy to lose sight of the actual moment we are living in. But, these tools are more than just devices that let us call, message, email, and connect with family and friends. And certainly more than just devices that help us organize our lives and preoccupy ourselves with games and gossip. They can also be used to access a wealth of opportunities in our communities—where we can make a tangible, inspirational difference through volunteering, giving, and simply being present in each other’s lives!

阅读全文,由Microedge + Blackbaud的公司捐赠与参与策略总监Andrew Troup撰写,以了解有关您每天使用的技术如何有助于更大的社会利益的更多信息。

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