Entergy Nuclear Volunteers Ensure No Child Goes Hungry at the Holidays

(左起)北杰克逊小学校长Jocelyn Smith;斯泰西·道森(Stacy Dawson),北杰克逊小学;Donicia Thompson,Entergy;Tamara May,Entergy和Mark Ba​​in,Entergy,与在假期期间收集的食品驱动器的Entergy核员工站在一起。Entergy核通过了今年早些时候通过了北杰克逊小学,并为杰克逊公立学校的教育计划提供了30多年的支持。

密西根州杰克逊(Jackson),2022年12月22日 / 3BL Media / -Entergy Nucer Temquarters团队已与该假期的北杰克逊小学(North Jackson Elementary School)合作,与童年的饥饿作斗争。Entergy员工捐赠了数百种食物和其他不易腐烂的物品,这些食物将提供给父母及其子女,以确保假期期间的适当营养。


“假期应该是放松身心并享受与家人和朋友在一起的时候,” Entergy核核官金伯利·库克·纳尔逊(Kimberly Cook-Nelson)说。“我的希望是,这项努力可以消除本赛季的一些忧虑。我为计划开车并捐赠食物和金钱的核团队成员感到自豪。”

北杰克逊小学校长乔斯林·史密斯(Jocelyn Smith)感谢合作伙伴关系。


30多年来,Entergy核总部一直支持杰克逊公立学校的教育计划合作伙伴。今年早些时候,Entergy Nuit宣布了其新的收养伙伴North Jackson小学,并向他们赠送了10,000美元的赠款。该团队还举办了返校供应驱动器,完成的美化项目,专注于工程和数学指导,判断科学博览会并提供了教室内的支持。

North Jackson Elementary School, the largest in the north Jackson area, was recommended as a partner due to its needs, the potential impact Entergy Nuclear can have on the school and its proximity to Entergy’s headquarters.


核燃料供应高级经理Karen Radosevich帮助打包了该动力的食物。

“I would like to say thank you to every team member,” said Radosevich. “Any time there’s any type of drive or fundraiser, the nuclear team of dedicated professionals always shows up. The results of this food drive show once again the generosity of our team.”


Entergy (NYSE: ETR), a Fortune 500 company headquartered in New Orleans, powers life for 3 million customers through its operating companies across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy is creating a cleaner, more resilient energy future for everyone with our diverse power generation portfolio, including increasingly carbon-free energy sources. With roots in the Gulf South region for more than a century, Entergy is a recognized leader in corporate citizenship, delivering more than $100 million in economic benefits to local communities through philanthropy and advocacy efforts annually over the last several years. Our approximately 12,000 employees are dedicated to powering life today and for future generations. Learn more atentergy.com并跟随@entergyon social media. #WePowerLife