爱立信's Commitment to Being a Responsible Corporate Citizen

爱立信's Commitment to Being a Responsible Corporate Citizen

People in a meeting on a laptop screen
爱立信Malaysia employees regularly volunteer their time to plant and care for mangrove trees for the Connected Mangroves project, which the Company has with the Kampong Dato Hormat community in Selangor, Malaysia since 2015.

爱立信Malaysia employees regularly volunteer their time to plant and care for mangrove trees for the Connected Mangroves project, which the Company has with the Kampong Dato Hormat community in Selangor, Malaysia since 2015.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - 10:50am



爱立信engages as an active local partner in the communities where it operates. Volunteering is one way Ericsson employees help the Company realize its vision to improve lives, redefine business and pioneer a sustainable future. During 2021 Ericsson strengthened its corporate citizenship efforts, including the launch of a new volunteering strategy focused on encouraging employee and community engagement. The Company also re-established global governance of this program with a new Volunteer Program Board. Ericsson also strengthened its donation strategy to focus on proactive efforts, efficiency improvements and long-term partnerships.

Making a difference across the globe

2021年,该公司最大的捐款与印度的Covid-19反应有关。捐款近100万美元是直接公司捐款和公司匹配员工捐款的结合。该捐款交给了印度联合国儿童基金会,并帮助收购了氧气产生植物,RT-PCR测试机和其他医疗设备。由于大流行,爱立信将其志愿服务的努力转向虚拟接触。2021年,爱立信发起了多个虚拟志愿飞行员,邀请39个国家 /地区的24,000多名员工参加。这些飞行员​​的教训将被纳入2022年全球志愿者计划的启动中。

One example of a global virtual volunteer initiative is Missing Maps, an open and collaborative project in which volunteers can virtually map buildings in areas at risk of disasters. As a result of this global opportunity, Ericsson volunteers mapped more than 4,500 buildings.

Climate action

During 2021, Ericsson continued to support management of mangrove trees in Malaysia and renewed its partnerships with local stakeholders in the Philippines to protect more than 405 hectares of mangrove wetlands. This project in the Philippines utilizes Ericsson’s technology and its employee expertise, and the project in Malaysia includes a company donation of mangrove saplings for reforestation purposes.

爱立信以其对红树林保护项目的六年承诺为基础,保证为组织1t.org做出贡献,该组织旨在到2030Forum’s work to accelerate nature-based solutions in support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030).

Humanitarian response

爱立信Response is the Company’s flagship volunteer program and has been in operation since the year 2000. Together with partners, Ericsson uses its core competencies to provide communication and other support to help humanitarian workers save lives and to support communities in need of humanitarian relief, for example, after a natural disaster. The work is a continuous journey to prepare and improve the humanitarian response for future emergencies.


As a first deployment in support of UNHCR, Ericsson Response deployed in Colombia to support the Venezuelan refugee response. Ericsson Response supported other deployments after a devastating earthquake in Haiti and in response to severe flooding in Germany.