ESG and Trucking Fleet Management: A Breakdown

9月26日,2022年2:45 PM ET
Campaign: 活力Transition

ESG and Trucking Fleet Management: A Breakdown

随着环境,社会和治理(ESG)的普及,许多公司正在寻找将其纳入其业务实践的方法。卡车机队管理公司尤其可以从使用ESG中受益于最大限度地利用车队的努力和运营。ESG可以帮助这些公司减少碳排放,改善工人的健康和安全,并加强自己的行为守则,所有这些节省时间和金钱。但是,许多公司不知道从哪里开始或知道ESG可以为其舰队做的所有事情。 This blog will break down answers to some of the questions clients have regarding ESG and their trucking fleet management.



There are effective ways to reduce carbon emissions through trucking efficiency. Some examples include moving to alternative fuels that are more efficient, using electric vehicles on short hauls / in-town, installing aerodynamic vehicle accessories, and implementing a no idle policy when parked.


When driving, evaluating speed and identifying ideal speeds for your fleet can reduce emissions per mile. Training matters, too. Providing classroom and on-road training to your fleet drivers helps them maximize their fuel efficiency. Truck drivers themselves can do a lot to increase the sustainability of a fleet, as the美国运输研究所在他们的指南中证明了



The main thing to remember here is that trucker well-being should be top of mind, including their working hours and worker safety. For example, during working hours, it’s important you allow them to stop work when they are fatigued and need to rest.

Also, working with clients to provide breakrooms that truckers can access is another good way to keep trucker well-being at the forefront. This could include relaxation spaces with tables, chairs, and couches, too. It should also include access to healthy food options, restrooms, and showers. This could be with private clients or at truck stops. Providing these hard-to-find amenities for truckers can make all the difference in their health, happiness, and safety on the road.


驾驶卡车并坐在一个地方长时间坐着会对一个人的身体健康产生负面影响,因此福利套餐应包括进入全国体育馆,身体健康班,甚至脊医师 - 因为背痛是常见的疾病工作。


Stress from traffic and difficulties moving trucks in and out of tight spaces can create distraction and fatigue. Providing resources to dispatchers so they understand the importance of route support and where large trucks will or will not fit is essential. Plus, providing resources to drivers to help them manage stress and fatigue in a healthy manner should be top of mind. 

Another thing that’s important for the ‘Social’ piece of ESG is recognizing and mitigating human trafficking while on the road. Committing to Human Rights by participating in the UN Guiding Principles and developing a human rights and anti-trafficking policy for your drivers can go a long way to help. You should be ensuring drivers have training on human trafficking, including how to spot it, what to do, and what actions to take if they see it.



This portion includes how you manage operations, including your compliance around E and S, leadership buy-in, and accountability. You can do this by ensuring your company has a business code of conduct that includes a commitment to ethical conduct and breaking down what this means for your specific organization.




The investments that have already been made to create a governance structure, implement risk management processes and ensure employee engagement in company goals and culture will fit into an ESG framework. To save time and money, and capitalize on the level of maturity that already exists within these various systems, organizations can integrate their ESG framework with other management system frameworks. 


随着ESG越来越受欢迎,越来越多的公司正在寻找从中受益的方法。您甚至可能没有意识到您的业务已经与ESG相关的所有方式以及如何采用ESG Outlook可以改善您的业务。从更好的工人健康到降低排放,ESG可以对卡车运输机队管理产生特别积极的影响。

如果您准备开始将ESG实施到您的车队管理业务中,请与Antea Group联系有关我们的Transportation and DOT compliance services,,,,我们的ESG咨询服务,188bet上不了and我们的气候变化和碳管理服务188bet上不了for more information. 

Antea®Group is an environment, health, safety, and sustainability consulting firm. By combining strategic thinking with technical expertise, we do more than effectively solve client challenges; we deliver sustainable results for a better future. We work in partnership with and advise many of the world’s most sustainable companies to address ESG-business challenges in a way that fits their pace and unique objectives. Our consultants equip organizations to better understand threats, capture opportunities and find their position of strength. Lastly, we maintain a global perspective on ESG issues through not only our work with multinational clients, but also through our sister organizations in Europe, Asia, and Latin America and as a founding member of the Inogen Alliance. Learn more。