“ Evoluzione Terra”项目有助于发展意大利的可持续和社会农业
“ Evoluzione Terra”项目有助于发展意大利的可持续和社会农业
2020年11月24日 / 3BL媒体 / -CNH工业及其农业品牌新荷兰农业已经与意大利环保主义协会联手Legambiente在“ Evoluzione Terra”(Evolution Earth)项目中,该项目已向今天提交给媒体,机构和行业协会。该公告是由Legambiente的国家农业项目负责人安吉洛·格蒂利(Angelo Gentili),新荷兰品牌总裁Carlo Lambro和CNH Industrial的可持续发展计划主管Daniela Ropolo在第二版的第二版《国家农业生态论坛》,第二版,论坛纳济王农业生态学,组织为虚拟活动,并在Legambiente,Legambiente Agricoltura和La Nuova Ecologia及其网站上现场直播。
“ Evoluzione Terra”旨在促进参与农场的可持续和社会农业活动的创新方法。该项目中的首次合作将涉及Libera Terra Mediterraneo,这是一个非营利联盟,该联盟建立在使命,该公司通过使用有组织犯罪的土地财产来实现积极的社会影响,通过有组织犯罪通过对环境可持续的农业生产高质量的产品来生产高质量的产品和社区。该财团将为参与的合作社提供实践农业4.0所需的农业设备。
New Holland will supply six auto guidance systems for Precision Farming, which will be installed on tractors at four of the Consortium’s cooperatives based in Sicily: Cooperativa Rita Atria in Castelvetrano, in the province of Trapani, Cooperativa Beppe Montana in Lentini, in the province of Siracusa, Cooperativa Placido Rizzotto and Cooperativa Pio La Torre in San Giuseppe Jato, in the province of Palermo. Cooperatives Rita Atria and Beppe Montana, have also been provided with two state-of-the-art New Holland tractors. In addition, the Brand will support the purchase of advanced equipment, such as an innovative seeder designed for organic farming, with the aim of improving the cooperatives’ productivity and efficiency through the use of state-of-the-art technologies enabling Agriculture 4.0 practices.
新荷兰品牌总裁卡洛·兰布罗(Carlo Lambro)表示:“该项目与新荷兰的清洁能源领导者战略非常适合,该战略旨在推动向资源有效和可持续的农业过渡。我们很明显,可持续性是未来。金博宝怎么注册我们拥有尊重和保护环境的开创性农业,不断地推动技术的界限,使我们的客户能够以更少的速度生产更多。该项目将使参与的合作社能够从最佳农业4.0中受益,从而帮助他们提高对气候变化和决策的韧性。”
CNH Industrial的可持续发展计划负责人Daniela Ropolo宣称:“我们在CNH工业的目标是'为可持续转型提供动力',使世界各地的农民有能力在这方面发挥积极作用。”“这个目的是我们与Legambiente和此类项目开发的诸如生产合作之类的计划,旨在为农场提供财务支持和工具,以促进可持续和社会农业的道路。“ Evoluzione Terra”项目是一项200万美元的全球团结基金倡议CNH Industrial的一部分,旨在支持在受病毒影响的企业影响的社区中与Covid-19的斗争。”
Legambiente的农业项目国家负责人安吉洛·格蒂利(Angelo Gentili)解释说:“在Legambiente,我们长期以来一直非常积极地促进有机农业和农业生态学,并支持在意大利领土上建立合作社和社会农场。我们期待与我们的长期合作伙伴CNH工业和新荷兰合作,就这项新计划,从涉及Libera Terra Mediterraneo财团的项目开始。其合作社位于意大利南部,是最活跃于可持续农业实践中的有机和社会农业企业之一。有了这个项目,我们有机会在这条道路上为他们提供支持,为他们提供了新的成长和研究机会,否则他们将无法获得。”
Valentina Fiore, General Manager of Libera Terra Mediterraneo Consortium, stated: “Respect for the environment is a cornerstone of our cooperatives’ activities: managing land seized from organized crime – and therefore public property – necessarily implies the preservation of the land, the territory and the communities. To this end, Legambiente has provided significant support to access techniques, equipment and practices for environmental, economic and social sustainability. The collaboration was extended to include New Holland, which through this project has enabled the cooperatives to acquire technologies for agriculture 4.0 and other equipment capable of improving their sustainable performance. Having access to all this represents a great opportunity for Libera Terra on its path to a fair and equitable agriculture.”