Expanding Access to Clean Energy for New Jersey Communities

Expanding Access to Clean Energy for New Jersey Communities

Blackstone将其两家投资组合公司(Link Logistics和Altus Power)汇集在一起​​,以将新泽西州的空仓库屋顶转变为社区太阳能项目。188bet网址怎么打不开

Thursday, May 19, 2022 - 12:10pm


根据专家的估计,应对气候变化不仅需要认真的承诺,而且需要大量资本 - 到2050年,到2050年。这项挑战为投资者提供了一个巨大的机会,可以通过支持行业,基础设施和创新来创造价值,从而为更强大,更可持续的未来提供动力。


The program unites Link Logistics, formed by Blackstone in 2019 and operator of the largest portfolio of high-quality logistics real estate assets located exclusively in the U.S., and Altus Power, a leading clean electrification company backed by Blackstone since 2014. Together, Link and Altus will transform empty warehouse rooftops across New Jersey into community solar projects, advancing the state’s ambitious renewable power plans and removing nearly 30,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. The projects will be located on the rooftops of Link Logistics’ commercial and industrial facilities and installed and owned by Altus. They will also include electric vehicle charging stations at each facility.

In addition to demonstrating黑石对可持续性的承诺金博宝怎么注册以及能源过渡带来的投资机会的信念,该项目使链接和阿尔图斯能够通过使其所服务的当地社区受益,从而加速价值创造。两家公司都在新泽西州长期存在,我们预计太阳能电池板将产生约35兆瓦(MW)的清洁能源。这种能源将以折扣价为6,000多个本地客户提供,从而降低能源成本并扩大获得太阳能的访问。一半以上的人将分配给历史欠佳的人群,将全州的低收入家庭和中低收入家庭与负担得起的可再生能力联系起来。

新泽西计划只是黑石投资组合公司如何帮助推动能源过渡的一个例子。在黑石公司的支持下,阿尔图斯(Altus)在18个州开发,收购和融资了350兆瓦的太阳能。同时,Link Logistics正在构建一个ESG计划,其目标包括到2024年之前增加300 MW的新太阳能容量并在2025年之前实现碳中性运营。Link旨在成为寻求降低碳足迹并最终最终降低其碳足迹的租户的选择合作伙伴运营成本。


We’re committed to helping our portfolio companies navigate the energy transition by utilizing our capital, global reach and long-term investing expertise. Together with our portfolio companies, we believe we can deliver value by accelerating the transition to a lower-carbon future and expanding access to clean, affordable energy.

All figures as of March 31, 2022, unless otherwise indicated.


While Blackstone believes ESG factors can enhance long-term value, Blackstone generally does not pursue an ESG-based investment strategy or limit its investments to those that meet specific ESG criteria or standards. Any reference herein to environmental or social considerations is not intended to qualify our objectives to maximize risk-adjusted returns.