英亩面孔 - 联盟的价值
英亩面孔 - 联盟的价值
Behind the scenes of the impactful roles we place, the teams we build, our dedication to tackling climate change and sustainability challenges, is our ever-growing and passionate team. In our ongoing ‘Faces of Acre’ series, we want to shine a spotlight on the people who make up the Acre team and give our employees a platform to share their passions, speak up on important topics and talk about the pro bono work they take part in.
In our latest Faces of Acre instalment, we sat down with Anna Keen, Acre’s Performance Director and founder of our Learning and Development business,英亩框架,讨论作为英亩员工发展的一部分进行的联盟过程。安娜讨论了联盟过程的价值,她对培养人的热情以及联盟为何如此重要的一部分,而英亩的成功也是如此。
老实说,像大多数最好的想法一样,我们偷了它!早在2015年,LinkedIn给我发了一本书,由他们的创始人里德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)撰写,名为“联盟”。在招聘和领导团队中度过了多年,这本书确实改变了我对工作的看法。这本书的总体前提是雇主/雇员的关系被破坏了,几代人一直基于拥有所有控制权和权力的公司。这本书解释了他们在《人才战争》中如何挑战这种模式,并引入了一种简单而强大的结构,其中有一份双向合同,以增加个人和组织的价值。这引起了人们的共鸣,并亲自影响了我如何看待自己的职业,如何引导人们照顾我的职业以及如何看待招聘世界。
Why was the Alliance introduced at Acre?
The catalyst for introducing the Alliance to Acre was a frustration with our existing appraisal process which had become demotivating and ineffective. Every year we would go through a labour intensive, bureaucratic exercise to score and assess behaviour and then conduct awkward meetings that actually eroded trust rather than built it.
在我在Acre的六年中,我真的认为这是我们作为一项业务所做的最有力的事情之一。We moved from having conversation about performance scores to ones about our teams' ambitions and motivations, from completing long winded appraisal forms to co-creating simple statements on what individuals wanted to achieve in the next 12 months that would enable Acre’s growth but also allow them to acquire skills, experience and exposure that supported them to achieve their goals within Acre or beyond.
It creates an opportunity to build trust and transparency from day one. When someone joins us, it provides clarity on how we are going to help develop them in both their career at Acre and beyond. It sets a different tone for how we have
development conversations with people and challenges us and them to look beyond conventional development and focus more on supporting them to gain skills but also different experience and exposure. This process is not only aligned to their long-term ambitions, but we also support them to create time to focus on certain values aligned projects makes for a more holistically fulfilling experience at Acre. For example, Jack Mulloy, our Senior Consultant for Sustainable Finance, was given permission to temporarily step back from his work to take part in pro bono work for Sea Shepherd, along with Catherine Harris, Sector Director for North America, to work on the board for the Future-Fit Foundation. The more fulfilled people feel, the better their wellbeing and productivity will be. As a society we have deluded ourselves to think that people turn up to work and we will take everything that is thrown at them.
Throughout their time at Acre, we encourage every member of our team to get curious about their values and behaviours, recognising the more you know about yourself, the more authentic you feel and the easier it is to bring your whole selves to work. My ambition for Acre is that we are a group of diverse individuals with different experiences and perspectives but that are highly aligned on our mission, a place where everyone feels like they can belong.
It is honestly a privilege to conduct the Alliance process and see the passion and potential of our employees. I hear from people who have already achieved so much at Acre and yet there is still growth in their role and development, and they want to achieve all of this at Acre. Our missions align and for me it’s one of the most powerful things we have ever done.
My parents are both teachers and when I completed a skill set test at school it came back that I should get into teaching too, but it just wasn’t for me. I have always got a lot of joy out of watching other people succeed and supporting them in achieving their goals. I'd always enjoyed the training element of my previous roles, developing people and watching them thrive. I believe the real success of a company is based on the people who make up the team and how well they’re looked after. The revenue is just an outcome of the success of how well developed and supported the people are.