Fair Trade Certified Sales Up 63 Percent

Fair Trade Certified Sales Up 63 Percent

10,000 Fair Trade Certified Products Now on U.S. Store Shelves; New Ingredients Policy for Product Transparency & Greater Impact for Farmers and Workers



美国公平贸易, the leading U.S. certifier of Fair Trade products, today released the latest SPINS sales figures, showing overwhelming growth across mainstream, gourmet and specialty grocery channels. The nonprofit organization also announced an updated ingredients policy to dramatically increase product transparency and maximize impact for farmers and workers. Additionally, Fair Trade USA announced that there are now 10,000 Fair Trade Certified™ products on U.S. stores shelves through its more than 800 industry partners committed to sustainable sourcing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 2:30pm

CONTENT: Press Release

(3BL Media / theCSRfeed)Oakland, CA - September 21, 2011 -美国公平贸易, the leading U.S. certifier of Fair Trade products, today released the latest SPINS sales figures, showing overwhelming growth across mainstream, gourmet and specialty grocery channels. The nonprofit organization also announced an updated ingredients policy to dramatically increase product transparency and maximize impact for farmers and workers. Additionally, Fair Trade USA announced that there are now 10,000 Fair Trade Certified™ products on U.S. stores shelves through its more than 800 industry partners committed to sustainable sourcing.


“In Fair Trade, sales correlate directly to impact in farming communities, so we’re thrilled to see growth across all channels,” said Cate Baril, Director of Business Development, Grocery and Ingredients for Fair Trade USA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. “As mainstream brands with broad distribution—like Ben and Jerry’s, Honest Tea and Larabar—continue to convert their ingredients to Fair Trade and satisfy the growing demand for sustainably-produced goods, we’ll continue to see sales grow.”

为了对农民和工人产生影响,美国公平贸易可帮助美国公司提供公平贸易认证的食品和身体护理产品的成分,包括糖,可可,香草和乳木果等,将其与不可认证的成分结合使用,例如作为水,牛奶和鸡蛋。Now, after testing and learning since 2003, Fair Trade USA introduces a new U.S. policy for “Multiple Ingredients Products” or “ingredients policy.” The policy will maximize impact for producers by: encouraging more companies to convert more ingredients to Fair Trade Certified supply sources; and promoting transparency to ensure that consumers know what they are buying.

The new ingredients policy applies to all food and personal care products. It requires a minimum of 25 percent Fair Trade Certified content for a product to use the “Fair Trade Certified” label on the front of the package; requires between 10 and 24 percent Fair Trade Certified content for a product to use the “Fair Trade Certified原料”包装正面的标签;对于不到10%的产品,允许后面板成分注释,例如“公平贸易认证糖。” The percentage of ingredients is measured by dry weight.

“It’s critical that consumers see the Fair Trade Certified label as a symbol of social and environmental integrity,” said Mary Jo Cook, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for Fair Trade USA. “Therefore, we have established the new policy to promote consumer confidence through greater label disclosure and enhanced online resources.”

Transparency efforts also extend to the brand or manufacturers’ websites. Industry partners will clearly list the Fair Trade Certified content for all products and the specific ingredients that are Fair Trade Certified. Partners also will direct consumers tohttp://www.fairtradeusa.org/certification/producers/ingredientsto learn more about what constitutes a Fair Trade Certified product.



To continue this momentum, October 1, 2011 kicks-off Fair Trade USA’s national consumer awareness campaign, Fair Trade Month. The annual effort aims to significantly increase awareness and sales of Fair Trade Certified products to drive greater impact for farmers. To learn more, visitwww.fairtradeusa.org.

美国公平贸易(以前是美国Transfair),一个非营利组织,是美国公平贸易产品的领先的第三方认证者。美国公平贸易审核并认证美国公司及其国际供应商之间的交易,以确保生产公平贸易认证商品的农民和工人获得公平价格和工资,在安全条件下工作,保护环境,并获得社区发展资金,以授权和授权188bet网址怎么打不开提升他们的社区。美国公平贸易(Fair Trade USA)向消费者教育,将新的制造商和零售商带入公平贸易体系,并为农业社区提供工具,培训和资源,以蓬勃发展作为国际商人。访问www.fairtradeusa.orgfor more information.

旋转(www.spins.com) is the first company to offer Natural Products sales data to the industry. Established in 1995, SPINS is now the premier provider of industry reporting and consulting services for this rapidly expanding sector. SPINS’ comprehensive offering includes retail measurement services, content-based reporting, consumer information and consulting services.


  • Growth rates for the 12 week period ending June 11, 2011 over the 12 week period ending March 19, 2011

  • 数据包括所有食品,药物,大众商品和天然食品商店;不包括Sam's Club,Trader Joe's,Whole Foods Markets,Wal-Mart,Cafes/Cafes/餐馆和私人标签

  • 大部分获得公平贸易认证的产品销售来自出售咖啡,沃尔玛和Whole Foods Markets的咖啡。



Stacy Geagan Wagner