(3提单媒体/可比我们奥克兰和大金博宝手机版网页学站,TX - 7月27日2011年美国公平贸易公平贸易产品的领先的第三方认证机构在美国,和全球咖啡质量的研究计划(GCQRI)合作研究项目的专业咖啡行业,今天宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,提供行业领先的研究来帮助的所有成员公平贸易咖啡供应链面对气候变化的挑战。在它的第一个五年计划,美国将支持公平贸易的努力GCQRI开展国际研究和生产的农民,工业和面向消费者的信息和分析国家和未来的专业咖啡。努力不仅会创建通知消费者,但也生成一个新的知识和创新浪潮缓解所面临的约束那些最容易受到气候更换小件世界各地的农民。由此产生的技术和培训工作将导致可持续提高生产率和质量,确保农民的生计以及全球咖啡供应链。”我们的新伙伴关系GCQRI有着巨大的潜在利益公平贸易利益相关者上下整个咖啡供应链,”詹妮弗•盖乐葛斯说,业务发展主任在美国公平贸易咖啡。“我们明白质量和产量提高的主要关注对象系统中我们所有的合作伙伴。通过支持这个倡议我们鼓励可持续发展在现在和未来。“通过与美国公平贸易公司的合作,我们正在加强我们的能力直接向生产者提供研究成果,将会增加他们的收入,并允许更大的自由选择的未来,”蒂姆先令博士说,GCQRI执行董事。“可能从根本上改变产业生产者的利益以及其他价值链是巨大的。工作协作和供应链合作与所有利益相关者是灵丹妙药解锁这个潜力,和科学的主要成分。” Using an international team of researchers and consultants, the GCQRI will carry out short, medium and long term research plans relating to both quantity (supply) and quality. Much of what this research aims to do is help farmers gain a better understanding of their own coffee quality as well as how to produce higher yields without compromising the integrity of the product. Along with initiatives in key areas such as coffee rust resistance and CBD tolerance, one particularly interesting project is to determine exactly what taste points within a coffee relate to quality and enjoyment in different global markets. “One of our goals is to work with the coffee industry to accelerate taste differentiation in coffee to levels similar to the wine industry, where both producers and consumers can develop extremely sophisticated tasting palates,” says Bianca Manago of GCQRI. “This is quite the task, because although 200 different aromas have been identified in wine, coffee boasts over 800 different aromatic compounds and taste points. By empowering farmers with the knowledge of precision tasting they are not only able to produce and detect a higher quality product, they can also negotiate a far higher price within specialty markets.” “Most importantly, this is the kind of research that will drive consumer demand for highly desirable, complex taste profiles that people will be willing to pay higher prices for,” added Schilling. Fair Trade is a global movement to alleviate poverty in farming communities in the developing world in ways that are socially and environmentally sustainable. Fair Trade certification helps businesses and consumers make every purchase matter because the Fair Trade Certified label means that the high-quality products they purchase improve lives and protect the environment. Through strategic partnerships with organizations such as GCQRI, Fair Trade USA works to link industry and NGO partners around the world to strengthen farming communities through a variety of capacity building programs and resources. ### Fair Trade USA (previously TransFair USA), a nonprofit organization, is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. Fair Trade USA audits and certifies transactions between U.S. companies and their international suppliers to guarantee that the farmers and workers producing Fair Trade Certified goods were paid fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment, and receive community development funds to empower and uplift their communities. Fair Trade USA educates consumers, brings new manufacturers and retailers into the Fair Trade system, and provides farming communities with tools, training and resources to thrive as international businesspeople. Visitwww.FairTradeUSA.org为更多的信息。全球咖啡质量的研究计划(GCQRI)是一个非营利专业咖啡行业的合作研究项目和诺曼。博洛格研究所国际德克萨斯农业生态农业。GCQRI的总体目标是发展,改善和保护供应高品质咖啡燃料动态咖啡产业的发展,直接影响了超过1亿人的生计。GCQRI将作为动力和咖啡产业之间的协调机制,起源的国家研究机构,国际研究组织将发生。访问http://gcqri.org/为更多的信息。FTUS15601