
(3提单媒体/可比我们波恩- 1金博宝手机版网页0月10日,2011年公平贸易是巩固其作为市场领导者的地位在24个国家道德标签和一个值得信赖的品牌,根据一项全面的全球研究的17000名消费者进行了公平贸易的国际国际舆论研究咨询公司GlobeScan。研究表明,全球公平贸易是最广泛公认的道德标签。近十分之六的受访消费者(57%)在24国家公平贸易认证标志。识别增加了6分至65%以来的15个主要跟踪国家在2008年首次进行了研究。超过80%的消费者认识到在英国、爱尔兰、瑞士、荷兰、奥地利和芬兰。这种可见性与高水平的信任使消费者有信心在他们做出的选择:全球超过十分之六(64%)的消费者表示,他们相信公平贸易。公平贸易的更熟悉的人,他们相信它。十分之九的消费者认识到公平贸易认证马克认为这是一个值得信赖的品牌。当被问及如果一个品牌的产品,他们通常买开始携带公平贸易马克,十分之八(79%)的受访者表示会积极影响他们对品牌的印象。一半的消费者(48% -要求在五个国家)说,他们更倾向于购买特定的品牌带着公平贸易。 Six out of ten consumers (59%) feel empowered to make a difference through their shopping choices. But they also have high expectations of companies in combating poverty — 79 percent worldwide say companies can play an important role in reducing poverty through the way they do business. Consumers’ top concerns are fair pay for farmers and workers and product safety: a full 85 percent of consumers say these issues are important for companies and their suppliers in their dealings with poor countries. At the same time, consumers connect Fairtrade with a consistent message of clear benefits to farmers and workers. Sixty-four percent of those familiar with the FAIRTRADE Mark associate it with helping farmers and workers in poor countries escape poverty. Sixty-one percent who are familiar associate Fairtrade with “a fair price paid to producers” and “helping producers in poor countries access global markets”. Consumers’ confidence in Fairtrade is translated into their purchases – shoppers spent €4.36 billion on Fairtrade products in 2010, up by 28 percent. Consumers tripled their Fairtrade purchases in Czech Republic (386%), South Africa (315%) and Australia and New Zealand (258%). Shoppers bought an impressive 47 percent more in Fairtrade’s largest market, the United Kingdom (UK). “This survey proves consumers do care about the people and the communities at the other end of the supply chain,” says Rob Cameron, Chief Executive of Fairtrade International. “They want to be sure that their everyday purchases reflect their values and they expect companies to reflect this need. We are taking up the challenge to grow Fairtrade still further so that even more farmers and workers can have better opportunities and more consumers can make the choices they believe in.” The study of more than 17,000 consumers was carried out in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the USA. In more general terms, the study confirmed that consumers across the world believe independent, third-party certification is the best way to verify a product’s social and environmental claims. More than seven in ten consumers (72%) and a majority in the 24 countries surveyed support independent, third-party certification of products, defined as certification of product claims by an independent third-party organization. Italians (89%), Irish (84%), and South Africans (82%) express the highest support for third-party certification. “Consumers clearly want business to back up social and environmental claims through independent certification. Fairtrade’s ever-increasing recognition power and unique trust levels provide a strong vehicle for individuals to make this point through their day-to-day purchases卡洛琳说:“河中沙洲,GlobeScan研究主管。
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GlobeScan是国际舆论研究咨询机构。公司,多边机构、政府和非政府组织信任GlobeScan以其独特的专业知识在声誉的研究中,可持续性和问题管理。金博宝怎么注册GlobeScan为全球性组织提供以证据为基础的见解和建议,帮助他们建立强大的品牌,管理与关键利益相关者的关系,并定义它们的战略定位。GlobeScan进行研究在90多个国家认证的ISO 9001:2008标准的质量管理体系,并签署《联合国全球契约》(UN Global Compact)。GlobeScan成立于1987年,是一个独立,management-owned公司在伦敦的办公室,多伦多,和旧金山。访问的更多信息www.GlobeScan.com

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