2018年,Accion和FedEx在哥伦比亚将Accion屡获殊荣的课堂商业教育计划-Ovante数字化。数字化使该计划的交付价格降低,更灵活,更容易访问。Ovante, has since expanded to over 6 countries in Latin America and currently reaches over 52,000 microentrepreneurs in the region, with plans to expand to Mexico in 2022. FedEx has also supported Ovante’s global expansion to India, where the platform is incentivizing micro - entrepreneurs to improve their businesses and join the formal financial system. Ovante in India launched in October 2021, and reached over 1,200 registered users by the end of the year.
FedEx Corp.(NYSE:FDX)为全世界的客户和企业提供广泛的运输,电子商务和商业服务。188bet上不了该公司的年收入为920亿美元,可通过共同竞争,协作和创新以数字方式进行综合业务解决方案。FedEx一直在世界上最受尊敬和值得信赖的雇主中排名,启发其60万团队成员继续专注于安全,最高的道德和专业标准以及其客户和社区的需求。联邦快递致力于以负责任和机智地与世界各地的人联系,目的是在2040年之前实现碳中性运营。要了解更多信息,请访问关于.fedex.com。