研究员2011 -诊断:增长



巴西是世界上第七大经济体,一个所谓的“金砖”国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国),快速增长的经济体,很多人认为未来全球经济发展的关键。尽管有这样的活力——或也许是因为这些国家通常向外寻找业务专长在微观和宏观水平。一个摩天师姐最近帮助提供专业知识。去年秋天,杰米·沙佛(B ' 03)是12名员工之一的安永(Ernst & Young)参加美国的企业责任研究员计划,安永(Ernst & Young)之间的合作和努力,一个非营利性组织,其目标是培养创业精神在新兴市场。谢弗前往圣保罗与Diagnostika nonpaid志愿者工作,外科病理学实验室。她解释说,由于巴西的强劲增长,更多的人在私营部门能够负担得起的医疗保健。Diagnostika一直试图保持同步。“他们正忙着为医院和他们的客户,但是业务方面进行管理与计算机电子表格,它没有满足他们的需求,”谢弗说。“所以他们想实现ERP(企业资源规划)系统。ERP帮助处理财务会计,但它也可以管理销售、应收账款、应付账款、库存和客户关系。 I work for Ernst & Young as senior manager in IT risk advisory and have been involved with ERP implementations, so my skill set matched Diagnosticka’s needs.” The problem of too-rapid growth is one that many American businesspeople wouldn’t mind having, but the challenge of supporting good ideas with the right business model and tools is common to entrepreneurs in both developed and developing countries. “They have these fantastic ideas, and they’re able to get people who can help them in turning a concept into a reality,” says Shafer of her experience. “They want to grow the business, do research and development, and focus on what’s next, but they still have to run the business. I think that’s true even for entrepreneurs here in the United States. You have a great idea and you just want to go execute; you’re not thinking, ‘Oh yeah. I’ve got to hire some people, they’ve got to go through training, and I’ve got to pay the bills.’” During her seven weeks in Sao Paulo, Schafer learned the importance that Brazilians place on individual relationships. She was included in dinner invitations by doctors at Diagnostika, although most of her work with the company had to do with the IT and finance employees. And, even though she was matched up with the company for her tech skills, she found that Diagnostika also drew upon her general business knowledge. “I would give the director a status update every week and he would ask a question about HR policy or something else,” says Schafer. “I saw that they really valued that broader knowledge. I felt like the work I was doing there had a little weightier purpose.” Shafer’s experience points to the importance of knowledge workers in a whole range of businesses that are increasingly dependent upon technology not only for growth but survival. “Ferris was a fantastic place for me to start some of the things I’m doing,” says the graduate of dual Accounting and Computer Information Systems majors. “Who knew it would have led me to work for such a great company and allowed me to give back in this way?” More information about Endeavor is available at endeavor.org. For more about Ernst & Young and its many programs, visit ey.com.