From the Fifth Third 2021 TCFD Report: Letter from the Chairman & CEO

From the Fifth Third 2021 TCFD Report: Letter from the Chairman & CEO

By Greg D. Carmichael, Chairman & CEO
Photo of Greg Carmichael in front of Fifth Third Bank sign

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - 2:00pm


We believe it is important to our stakeholders to provide transparency along our journey. We have published sustainability reports for nearly two decades, first as community investment reports, then corporate social responsibility reports and now Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reports. We began reporting progress on our climate journey in 2010 by adding a section in our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report and responding to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) climate change questionnaire. I am proud that we were again recognized as a leader by CDP in the 2021 survey for the third consecutive year, as well as other ESG data providers.


我们认识到,作为个人或公司,气候变化比我们大。金融部门在做出必要的更改以适应不断变化的星球并创造更多有弹性的社区方面发挥着重要作用。通过我们在碳会计财务合作伙伴关系(PCAF)的成员资格,我们致力于评估和披露与贷款和投资相关的客户温室气体排放。我们还与Ceres Company Network合作,以帮助指导我们的气候战略。我们在本报告中描述了我们的贷款和投资业务如何发展以支持向可再生能源和低碳经济的过渡。此外,我们还要警惕身体风险,例如洪水区映射变化和极端天气事件增加。我们致力于了解这些变化如何随着时间的流逝而实现,并影响我们的客户和投资组合。

We also appointed our first climate risk officer to lead our climate risk team and ensure that climate-related risks are top of mind in every division—and every decision—as our Bank works to serve our customers. The team is actively integrating climate risk into our Risk Management Framework and planning for scenarios that reflect climate change. This will, in turn, allow us to establish conversation points to guide our lines of business in discussions with our customers, and enable the Bank to develop a net-zero aligned strategy not only to manage risk but also to continue transparency around the Bank’s emissions across our portfolios. I expect that you will see actions in the future that address how we are thinking about climate change in every aspect of our business.

Although the banking industry is still in various stages of the climate risk strategy and management journey, our Bank begins with a solid legacy of environmental sustainability leadership and a strong foundation for risk management and governance. Combined, this places us in an ideal position to be leaders for change for both the short and long term. Thank you for your interest in our second TCFD Report and our work to help communities navigate climate-related risks and opportunities.