Fifth Third Foundation Announces Lead Investment in 6888 Kitchen Incubator

3月7日,2022年11:20 AM ET
从左到右的是牙买加·怀特(Jamaica White),charlynda鳞片和达布里亚·米(Dabriah Rice)。

辛辛那提,2022年3月7日,媒体 / - 今天第五个第三基金会宣布了其在6888年的主要投资(发音为“六三八八八八”)厨房孵化器,这是一个致力于为开发食品企业提供资源的商业枢纽。第五第三基金会向孵化器提供100万美元的礼物将提供必要的美元,以帮助建立其商业空间,以帮助和服务代顿地区。

“We are proud to support this endeavor as it enhances the Dayton community by providing a much-needed resource that will benefit small business owners and offer healthy food options to the community,” said Heidi Jark, senior vice president and managing director for the Fifth Third Foundation.

The 6888 Kitchen Incubator is a two-phase, shared-kitchen concept that will provide training, leadership support and commercial kitchen space. The first phase focuses on business curriculum development; the second focuses on the design, build-out and full operation of a 24-hour commercial kitchen and storage space that will be located at the newly renovated historic Dayton Arcade.

第一阶段将以总部位于代顿的OH Taste LLC创建的锐化斧头(STA)程序。该计划涵盖了与成功的食品业务有关的广泛主题,并将为每年大约50名专注于业务和企业家开发的加速器队列提供加速器队列。第五第三基金会的赠款将资助该项目的第二阶段,预计将在未来12-18个月内完成。


The name 6888 Kitchen was derived from the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the first and only all-Black female women Army Corps unit to serve in Europe during World War II. The unit was credited with organizing and directing the delivery of a large backlog of mail to U.S. servicemen. According, the unit handled approximately 65,000 pieces of mail per day. The women also were hailed as champions for females in the United States who were serving in the military and who were confronting racism and sexism. The unit was active from 1945 to 1946 and consisted of 855 women under the command of Maj. Charity Adams, a Wilberforce University graduate who lived in Dayton most of her life, and Captains Mary F. Kearney and Bernice G. Henderson. The three African American female business founders who are leading the efforts for 6888 Kitchen derived inspiration from the Central Postal Directory Battalion and decided to honor these women by naming the Dayton-based business after it.

Charlynda Scales, an Air Force veteran and current Air Force Reservist, will serve as the director of the 6888 Kitchen Incubator project and supervise OH Taste’s STA Program. She explained that 6888 Kitchen will help create a positive economic impact in the Dayton area. “6888 Kitchen will be a hub that will draw various food entrepreneurs and provide them with vital resources to enhance their businesses, which will ultimately increase their ability to provide the best services to their clients.”


Divine Catering&Events and DCE Management的共同所有人Jamaica White将在6888厨房孵化器上监督日常厨房管理。她说,枢纽将提供一个环境,企业家可以测试自己的想法和产品,同时还可以实现短期和长期目标。“我们为企业主提供了一个发射台,以获取成功的技能,同时为他们创造机会相互联系并分享最佳实践。我们希望这是我们社区的光线标准。”她说。188bet网址怎么打不开

Divine Catering&Events and DCE Management,LLC的主厨兼共同所有人达布里亚·赖斯(Dabriah Rice)表示,这项工作既是个人又是专业的努力。“我知道作为一名食品企业家有时可能很难。我计划利用我在食品和酒店业的15年经验来指导租用空间并寻求有关如何使业务更好的建议的房客。”


关于the Fifth Third Foundation

Established in 1948, the Fifth Third Foundation was one of the first charitable foundations created by a financial institution. It supports worthy causes in the areas of health and human services, education, community development and the arts in states where Fifth Third Bank operates.


Danielle Jones (Media Relations)|513-534-0162