金融服务革命:伊丽莎白·188bet上不了沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)领导

“ David&Goliath战斗”!


华盛顿特区 - 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)今天坦率地谈到了“史诗般的戴维和巨人战斗”,她在200多名消费者机构,像我这样的博客作者的帮助下领导了她在全国各地的市政厅会议上激怒公民。沃伦(Warren)女士单手倡导了一个消费者保护机构的想法,该局实际上将为消费者服务,而不是假装。她是我们这个时代的拉尔夫·纳德(Ralph Nader)。沃伦(Warren)谈到自己和数亿美国家庭是“大卫”,与已经成为我们“巨人”的极大的银行游说力量。她告诉人群在美国消费者联合会(CFA)集会,“我无法做到。”金融服务革命会议188bet上不了今天早上在华盛顿。事实是,没有她,我们无法做到。正如沃伦女士指出的那样,许多人认为,这是一项“太雄心勃勃,太遥远的,太不可能完成的任务”。沃伦女士凭借巨大的心灵和内心的力量,设法实现了不可能的事情。她在白宫有一个朋友,他认可她的使命,这有助于您。巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)于9月份宣布任命沃伦(Warren)担任该机构的“特别顾问”的角色。我很少对任何人蜡质狂欢,但是在过去的几年中,自金融危机和我们功能障碍政府的危机以来,英雄很难找到。伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)在美国的工作和中产阶级以及美国小企业中脱颖而出。沃伦(Warren)凭借所有的困难,并决心让人联想起“永不放弃”温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill),为无声而战。用她的话说:“最终,美国家庭赢了。” What did we win exactly? Our chance to be heard through a consumer protection agency that might (even a little bit) level the playing field for ordinary folks, and small and medium sized businesses. This task was believed by many up until now to be an insurmountable effort against the publicly funded and publicly traded mega-banks and Fortune 500 corporations. The new consumer protection agency is poised to challenge the iron-clad one-sided advantage currently held by these global financial institutions. Who says miracles don’t happen? Despite this achievement, the first speaker of the morning Randy Neugebauer, U.S. Representative from Texas, reminded the crowd of the challenges facing Warren and consumers ahead. The Congressman spoke of the need to “modify” the consumer protection agency and to rein in its power. No agency should have “that much power, with that little oversight,” he said. Clearly, Warren’s starpower has the banking lobbying contingent shaking in their boots. The hope expressed by Neugebauer and fellow Republican Spencer Bachus of Alabama, both members of the House Financial Services Committee, is to diminish the agency’s power and Warren’s shining star. This David and Goliath fight continues and is destined for the history books. The lobbying groups have billions of dollars behind them—ironically much of this wealth is bought and paid for by the very people whose interests they are trying to crush—you and me. The CFA assembly of devoted and passionate public advocates and the continuing conviction and integrity of middle class champion, Elizabeth Warren, inspire us all to continue the fight and defend our first amendment guarantee of equality. In the end, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a victory not only for ordinary citizens, small and medium sized business, but also for American Democracy. Stay tuned- more to come…. Monika Mitchell
Good Business International,Inc。
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