First European Improved Forest Management Carbon Offset Project Achieves Independent Verification

First European Improved Forest Management Carbon Offset Project Achieves Independent Verification

SCS全球服务188bet上不了Verified the Rotunda Forest Project Developed by Global Forest Support

Monday, October 18, 2021 - 8:00am

CAMPAIGN:Kingfisher Around the World


维也纳和加利福尼亚州埃默里维尔,2021年10月18日 / 3BL媒体 / - 全球森林支持GmbH(GFS)和SCS全球服务(SCS)宣布完成验证和验证第一个欧洲改进的森林管理(IFM)碳项目,188bet上不了Verra管理的经过验证的碳标准(VC)。基于此验证,现在可以与该项目合作发出经过验证的碳单元(VCU)/碳偏移。

The forest carbon project is situated inside the 10,000-hectare Rotunda Forest Estate located within the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. The project consists of a 1,500-hectare commercial forest located outside of the Carpathian Mountains National Park boundary; it is projected to sequester more than 6,600 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) per year from the atmosphere.

VCS方法的实施,“ VM0012 - 改进的温带和北方森林(LTPF)的森林管理(IFM)”,是森林所有者SC Rotunda SRL(罗马尼亚)与GFS与内部实施专家之间的合作努力,GreenRaise Consulting GmbH。

“我们要感谢并祝贺合作伙伴的历史性和有影响力的成就,”全球森林支持的执行合伙人杰森·齐默尔曼(Jason Zimmerman)说。“成为欧洲第一个实施这种强大的VCS方法论的项目是2021年的基石事件。GFS很荣幸能成为打击全球气候变化的共同努力的一部分。我们期待在欧洲和北美宣布进一步的森林碳项目。”


“Carbon offset projects are becoming increasingly important across the globe as organizations and communities seek ways to fight climate change, improve the livelihoods of community members, create new jobs, and ensure sustainable practices in forests for future generations to enjoy,” said Christie Pollet-Young, Director of Greenhouse Gas Verification at SCS Global Services. “We are honored to work with Global Forest Support to independently verify this forest offset project, demonstrating its commitment to protecting forests and reducing greenhouse gas emissions with impactful results.”

Verra高级通讯经理Anne Thiel表示:“祝贺全球森林支持成为第一个在欧洲使用这种IFM方法论的人。”“ VCS计划下的该方法旨在保护森林并避免排放。它可以可靠地量化通过改善森林管理和防止温带和北方森林伐木产生的温室气体减少。”



接触:JASON ZIMMERMANN, Managing Partner,

About SCS Global Services
Founded in 1984, SCS Global Services (SCS) is a global leader in third-party environmental and sustainability verification, certification, auditing, testing, and standards development. Its programs span a cross-section of industries, recognizing achievements in natural resource management, green building, product manufacturing, food and agriculture, supply chains, climate mitigation and more. Headquartered in Emeryville, California, SCS has representatives and affiliate offices throughout the Americas, Asia/Pacific, Europe and Africa. Its broad network of auditors are experts in their fields, and the company is a trusted partner to companies, agencies and advocacy organizations due to its dedication to quality and professionalism. SCS is a chartered Benefit Corporation, reflecting its commitment to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. For more information, visitwww.scsglobal188bet上不了。Learn more about Carbon Offset Project Validation and Verification atwww.scsglobal188bet上不了

接触: NIKKI HELMS, Senior Marketing Manager,nhelms@scsglobal188bet上不了

About Verra

接触:Anne Thiel,高级传播经理

CATEGORY: Environment