(3提单媒体/可比我们圣地亚哥C金博宝手机版网页A - 2012年2月23日——新的研究发现,美国政府和学校取得了混合进展,全面解决食品和饮料营销实践,把年轻人的健康风险。全面回顾发表在3月出版的《美国预防医学杂志》上的发现,公共部门利益相关者未能全面实施的建议医学研究所(IOM)支持儿童和青少年的健康饮食。
“证据链接的营销高热量,营养价值较低的品牌食品和饮料产品肥胖率。我们的评估发现,流行的营销环境继续威胁着儿童的健康和公共部门已经错过了重要机遇,促进健康饮食和创建健康的饮食环境,”主要作者Vivica说从克拉克,MS, RD,研究员在墨尔本迪肯大学人口健康战略研究中心,维多利亚,澳大利亚。在要求国会在2004年的一项研究中,国际移民组织确定食品营销影响儿童和青少年喜欢,请求,食用高热量和营养价值的食物和饮料。2005年12月,国际移民组织的专家委员会发布了一份报告10建议引导公共和私营部门的利益相关者促进儿童和青少年的健康饮食。从克拉克和他的同事玛丽的故事,博士,RD,明尼苏达大学公共卫生学院和艾伦a . Wartella博士,西北大学沟通,进行一个全面的文献回顾的证据来确定5已经取得进步公共部门的报告的建议。其他5建议针对行业利益相关者,检查在一个单独的出版在2011年9月发布。他们80年评估数据源,包括发表文章,颁布立法,和媒体故事5年以上(从2005年底到2011年初)。他们的工作是由健康饮食研究国家Robert Wood Johnson基金会的项目。评估表明,广泛的进步并不是由任何公共部门组。例如,报告建议政府与私营部门合作建立一个长期的、多方面的,和经济上持续的社会营销计划来支持父母,照顾者,家庭促进健康的饮食。 No progress was found. In a commentary accompanying the article, Lori E. Dorfman, DrPH, of the Berkeley Media Studies Group in Berkeley, CA, notes, “Our government is ceding education about nutrition to the food and beverage industry, which spends $2 billion annually – more than $5 million every day – inundating children with enticements to eat and drink high-fat, sugary and salty foods, and sugar-sweetened beverages.” The best news came from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), educational leaders, and state and local schools. They collectively made moderate progress toward developing nutritional standards for foods and beverages sold in school, and adopting model school wellness policies and practices to expand the availability of healthy foods and beverages, as called for in the IOM food marketing report. Many states implemented competitive food guidelines and stricter nutrition standards than called for by USDA and 23 states supported farm-to-school programs in 2010 compared to just 1 state in 2005. Despite these efforts, widespread availability of unhealthy competitive foods, especially for older students, and in-school marketing of high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods for celebrations and school fundraisers, continued through early 2011. “It is notable that USDA made some progress to promote healthier meals during the period reviewed. USDA has accelerated progress immensely with the new school meal nutrition standards released in January 2012,” remarked Dr. Story. Additionally, the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 and the American Recovery Act of 2009 made grants available to states and local communities to increase fruit and vegetable availability to children. Still, federal, state, and local governments have not done their best job to implement the IOM food marketing report recommendations. The researchers found that the government failed to use all available policy tools to fund initiatives promoting healthy eating in proportion to its spending on diet-related chronic diseases, including subsidies for healthy foods and taxes for unhealthy foods and beverages. The IOM report emphasized the need to conduct studies about new promotional techniques and venues (i.e., digital interactive marketing to children through the Internet), healthier foods, smaller portion sizes, product viability, and the impact of TV advertising on young people’s diet quality and diet-related health. Kraak and colleagues found that federal research institutions such as the National Institutes of Health and the USDA were inadequately funded by Congress to comprehensively research how marketing practices influence young people’s diets. Actions suggested by the researchers include:国会可以支持联邦机构间工作组为面向儿童的食品营销完成和发布强劲的自愿行业营销儿童和青少年营养标准,尽管行业游说失速的努力。
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