杰森·罗伯逊(Jason Robertson),食品 +饮料和托尼·摩西(Tony Moses)副总裁
从来没有更多的科学参与食品加工和包装,旨在减轻消费者对成本,健康和环境可持续性的担忧。金博宝怎么注册一个很好的例子是方式consumers have taken to alternative proteinsto help feed the growing population in environmentally responsible ways. Here we discuss some of the food and beverage manufacturing trends that make this the most exciting time in food science in decades.
6 Food and Beverage Manufacturing Trends to Watch
1. Innovating process, products, and packaging
Food processors are developing and marketing novel processing techniques, products and packaging to appeal to consumer demand.
宠物粮食生产也正在发生重大变化, including the use of refrigeration during processing and packaging to maintain freshness. The desire of some pet owners for raw pet food is also gaining traction and requires special handling to prevent microbial contamination (e.g., HPP) and to preserve freshness (e.g., preservatives or freeze-drying).
目标替代蛋白质是制造具有相同味道和感觉的基于细胞和植物性的产品,并且成本相同或更少,或者不到可比的动物蛋白。植物性食品可以取代诸如冰淇淋,肉类,鸡肉和宠物食品之类的动物产品,而细胞基肉和海鲜,包括具有动物蛋白质味道和感觉的汉堡,都在提高我们对可能的概念。最近,在基于细胞的脂肪和血液中进行了创新,以补充这些空间并创造更真实的饮食体验。这些产品使用新技术,包括挤出, that have been scaled up for commercial-scale manufacturing by engineers with experience in the design and construction of plant- and cell-based protein manufacturing facilities and process lines.
Reducing packaging waste
有一个science to food packaging。Companies must ensure food safety and satisfy consumers, all while carefully balancing product quality, appearance, functionality, cost and environmental impact. Driven by corporate responsibility and consumer demand, producers are taking a proactive approach to prioritize sustainability in their packaging.
作为公司加紧满足消费者偏好的例子,雀巢,克拉夫韦恩和Conagrahave all committed to using only recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging by 2025. These companies recognize sustainability as an issue that provides value to their customers, who are willing to pay a premium for products they believe support environmental sustainability.
零售商也要求改变。看到包装所采取的方向的一种好方法是走动最大的食品零售商的过道,例如沃尔玛(Walmart)Conagra净销售的四分之一。Walmart announced金博宝怎么注册可持续性目标旨在减少一次性塑料,做出提高美国私人品牌可持续性的承诺。金博宝怎么注册沃尔玛还鼓励其国家品牌供应商做出类似的包装承诺。当大型零售商要求一些东西时,供应商将找到一种提供它的方法。
Many companies, including许多创业公司, are taking advantage of the trend to repurpose food products that would otherwise be wasted. Upcycling is the value-add process of turning food that would have been wasted into products for human consumption. According to the Upcycled Food Association, this has the benefits of:
- 减少食物浪费和温室气体排放
- 增加原本会浪费的食物的价值
- 建立更可持续和弹性的食品系统
Indoor vertical farming
More fruits and vegetables will be grown in greenhouses, allowing them to be produced closer to where they’re consumed and dramatically change the way consumers interact with locally grown food. For example, instead of growing lettuce in California and shipping it thousands of miles, it can be grown in a controlled environment on the East Coast.
除了减少运输和收获和消费之间的时间较短的时间外,这种趋势的支持者垂直农业还表明它具有环境优势。例如,Aerofarmsgrows greensin New Jersey on 1% of the land required by conventional agriculture using 95% less water, no pesticides and less fertilizer.
Automation allows increased efficiency and flexibility of production, improved management of the supply chain and better record keeping for regulatory purposes.
4. Emphasizing health claims on packaging and in marketing
The use of high temperature to eliminate microbial contamination adversely affects the quality of some specialty products, like a juice containing probiotics. This has led to some processors reconsidering pasteurization in search of gentler processing technologies, such as high-pressure processing (HPP).
原材料短缺和消费者商店的快速变化affecting the supply chain。There are short-term food and beverage manufacturing trends brought on by the pandemic. For example, some国内处理器of frozen broccoli and cauliflower had difficulty importing enough vegetables to process. The dramatic shift from restaurant eating to cooking at home also meant that some potato producers hadexcess potatoes通常注定要大量交付餐厅连锁店,并且无法转向小包装以将其转移到超市。
该行业还看到冷藏和冷冻仓库空间短缺。CRBE估计,对冷藏空间的需求将在未来五年内增加1亿平方英尺。那是一个increase of 47%目前约2.14亿平方英尺。
The need for efficiency and speed of transport to support digital ordering and curbside pickup could also have dramatic effects on the trucking industry, distribution centers and the use of automation (e.g., robotics) along the supply chain. For example, automation could allow a robot to pick up a product from awarehouse, send it by truck to a store and have the consumer pick it up, all in one day.
6. Evolving workplace quality of life to attract workers