一百年后第一次强力飞行后 海洋不再是不可阻抗屏障 将人、思想和信息分离
今日人们比以往任何时候更加旅行,公司常常外包产品并派遣工人到新区这导致公司和个人接触不同实践和社会规范188bet网址怎么打不开并伴有压力 公司匹配福利 个人和社区188bet网址怎么打不开Companies that wish to relocate employees may find that those employees insist on negotiating for a combination of the "best" benefits from both their "home country" and the "host country." This in turn exposes workers in the host country to the new practices and may put pressure on that office to increase their offering to its local employees. Knowledge of and insistence upon these ‘best of both worlds' packages puts pressure on the company and indeed business in general that results in increased salaries, but also superior benefits such as vacation time, pensions and profit sharing, health insurance and maternity leave. Sometimes by their very existence in a community a company redefines the local expectations as well – such as by making products that the indigenous population may covet for themselves.
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