Four Tips to Keep Up with Retail Consumer Expectations on ESG and Sustainability
近年来,气候变化一直进入新闻,媒体甚至流行文化越来越多。在它的latest report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the increasingly urgent risks confronting the globe as impacts from climate change mount. As a result, consumer demand for corporate responsibility, transparency, and accountability is rising to new heights — especially when it comes to sustainable business practices, ESG strategies, and combating climate change.
在零售和消费品行业中尤其如此。根据Yale Program on Climate Change Communication研究,有41%的美国人说,在接下来的12个月中,他们打算奖励采取措施比现在更频繁地减少全球变暖的公司。
Another德勤进行的研究found that consumers' top five concerns for sustainable or ethical practices include:
- Producing sustainable packaging and products
- 减少制造过程中的废物
- Committing to ethical working practices
- Reducing the carbon footprint
- 尊重人权
换句话说,消费者不再希望公司拥有ESG和可持续性策略 - 他们期望他们。金博宝怎么注册据报道有2020年的3600亿美元可支配收入。
1. Double-Down on Transparency
Your company will be held accountable for your actions and practices. This includes your retail space, manufacturing, warehouse and distribution, and even your supply chain partners. So, it’s time to take stock of your vulnerabilities – an impact screening can help you do this.
3. It’s Time to Re-Align
- 您的举措是否与消费者和其他利益相关者想要的东西保持一致?
- Are consumers the only stakeholders that drive your initiatives?
- 在违规,不良新闻等方面,您的风险承受能力是什么?
- 您的公司价值观和任务实际上会推动您当前的策略吗?
- Does your current business strategy include ESG?
- 缺少了什么?
Addressing these questions can be difficult and requires some reworking of preexisting ideas.
我们不是在谈论您的承诺。我们正在谈论将您的钱放在嘴里并证明这一点。随着越来越多的公司被召集(并起诉)greenwashing,it's clear that you need the data to back up your claims.
Sustainability and ESG reportsare important ways to document, report, and share the important initiatives your company is implementing. They allow your organization to tell your story and clearly communicate with internal and external stakeholders.
Consumers are paying attention to which brands are taking action and which brands are sitting idly by. Oh, and not to mention, regulations are changing fast, so you don’t want to be caught unprepared when some of these voluntary measures become mandatory.
Now, more than ever, companies need to work to elevate their sustainability strategies to protect our world and their businesses. At the end of the day, the health of the environment impacts the health and well-being of consumers, which impacts the health of your bottom line.
不确定从哪里开始?看看我们的制定ESG策略的7步方法并与我们的联系sustainability experts今天!
Antea®Group is an environment, health, safety, and sustainability consulting firm. By combining strategic thinking with technical expertise, we do more than effectively solve client challenges; we deliver sustainable results for a better future. We work in partnership with and advise many of the world’s most sustainable companies to address ESG-business challenges in a way that fits their pace and unique objectives. Our consultants equip organizations to better understand threats, capture opportunities and find their position of strength. Lastly, we maintain a global perspective on ESG issues through not only our work with multinational clients, but also through our sister organizations in Europe, Asia, and Latin America and as a founding member of the Inogen Alliance. Learn more atus.anteagroup.com。