FPT Industrial and Slow Food Support Sustainable Food Production Communities

FPT Industrial and Slow Food Support Sustainable Food Production Communities

The creation of a “food forest” reproducing the natural eco-system in Sicily is being funded through a joint project between FPT Industrial and Slow Food.

法国南部的La Seyne -Sur -Mer -Mer Prud’Homie-钓鱼集体是通过FPT工业和慢食之间的联合项目资助的。

Friday, December 11, 2020 - 4:00pm

活动:Local Communities


2020年12月11日 / 3BL媒体 / -FPT Industrial, the global powertrain brand ofCNH工业N.V.(NYSE:CNHI / MI:CNHI), has teamed up withSlow Food, a global grassroots organization, to support two local communities’ initiatives, in Italy and France, aimed at adopting more sustainable and inclusive practices, thus helping the communities survive the current crisis and build more resilient local economies for the future, with good, clean and fair food front and center.

Founded in 1989, Slow Food was established to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, counteract the rise of the so called ‘fast lifestyle’ and to combat people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from and how our food choices affect the world around us. Since its beginnings, Slow Food has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food.

FPT工业选择与慢食合作,以在当地重申其对可持续性的长期承诺;金博宝怎么注册不仅通过生产低影响,高性能的引擎,还通过一系列可持续性项目和具体行动来证明承诺。金博宝怎么注册由FPT工业和慢食共同选择的两个社区是西西里岛,意大利和法国南部的La Seyne-Sur-Mer-Mer-Mer-Mer-Mer-Mer Prud’Homie的合作社Valdibella和Noe。

The Valdibella cooperative produces biological food from ancient varieties of local crops adopting a sustainable approach to agriculture using conservation cultivation methods to maintain natural soil fertility. The NoE (No Emargination) cooperative was founded in 1993 and encourages the social inclusion of disabled people. In 1998 the city of Partinico entrusted the cooperative with a plot of land that had been confiscated from the mafia. This land was converted into biological agriculture fields, cultivated with olive trees, vegetables and arable crops. FPT Industrial and Slow Food will support the two cooperatives in their projects which are focused on the creation of a “food forest” reproducing the natural eco-system and capable of diversifying food production while preserving the landscape, as well as the creation of an autonomous supply chain model, to deliver high quality biological food at an affordable price.

La Seyne-Sur-Mer Prud’Homie是法国地中海海岸沿线的33个Prud’Homies(钓鱼集团)之一。这些集体组织已经管理了十多个世纪的法国海洋资源,如今在海洋地区发挥了基本的控制和保护作用,保留了历史性的文化模型并参与日常港口生活。大约有20名渔民,其中一些与FPT工业动力船一起工作,致力于可持续捕鱼,并通过加强当地供应链来将这些良性传统传递给年轻一代。在FPT工业和慢食的支持下,社区将能够升级其基础设施并创造其他本地就业机会。188bet网址怎么打不开

“作为过去十年来一些最负盛名的世界可持续性指数的领导者,意味着每天都证明,对所有可能会导致人们和社区生活的倡金博宝怎么注册议的具体支持,无论是大还是小。这些项目是通过CNH工业团结基金资助的,这是一项耗资200万美元的基金,旨在帮助受到Covid-19的当地社区的影响。” CNH Industrial可持续发展计划主管Daniela Ropolo说。

“Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment,” commented Francesco Sottile of Slow Food. “Through our food choices we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and change the world as a result. These projects had already started, but they needed ‘to accelerate’ in order to show that the right way is the right choice. That’s why we, in cooperation and collaboration with our partners and supporters, decided to finance them. Because the change has to happen: and happen now.”