Freestyle Libre 3系统收到CE Mark

Freestyle Libre 3系统收到CE Mark



备受期待的自由式Libre 3系统(具有世界上最小,最薄的葡萄糖传感器(大约相当于两个堆叠的美国便士)),为欧洲的糖尿病患者获得了CE Mark。This next-gen system provides the same benefits of FreeStyle Libre 2, including unsurpassed 14-day² accuracy and optional glucose alarms, but also evolves the portfolio with new features, such as continuous real-time glucose readings automatically delivered to a person’s smartphone every minute, and a sensor that’s easy to apply with a one-piece applicator.

The FreeStyle Libre 3 system is designed to fit seamlessly into people’s lives, enabling users to discreetly check their glucose as often as they like without having to fingerstick.³ This is a life-changing innovation that lets people live better and gain deeper understanding of their glucose levels. Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 3 is unparalleled in the market, here’s why:

  • 无与伦比的14天精度²-Freestyle Libre 3系统具有平均的绝对相对差异(MARD),CGMS的性能测量,成人9.2%,儿科为9.7%。最新的技术和自由泳Libre 2是唯一在14天内保持高度准确性的CGM传感器。
  • 更环保的可持续性 - 将系统的总量减少超过70%,5雅培设计的自由泳自由泳3号为环境更可持续,包括塑料使用降低41%,纸箱纸减少了43%。
  • 负担得起的 - 为了让尽可能多的糖尿病患者从技术中获得和受益,雅培的自由式Libre 3系统的定价与该设备的前几代相同,这是其他可用CGM的成本的三分之一。
  • 市场领导者在短短四个月内,雅培为基于传感器的葡萄糖监测技术实现了三个关键里程碑:自由泳利伯2(Freestyle Libre 2)在6月被美国食品和药物管理局(Firesyle Libre 2)清除,针对4岁及以上的成年人和儿童患有糖尿病;Libre Sense Sense葡萄糖运动生物传感器于9月份为16岁及以上的运动员提供了糖尿病。而现在,自由泳Libre 3已获得4岁及以上糖尿病的CE Mark。"Abbott won’t stop innovating when there’s room to raise the bar. We’ve done that again with FreeStyle Libre 3, the smallest sensor that delivers life-changing benefits and best-in-class accuracy," said Jared Watkin, senior vice president, Diabetes Care, Abbott. Abbott is launching the FreeStyle Libre 3 system in Europe in the coming months.


在短短四个月的时间里,雅培为基于传感器的葡萄糖监测技术实现了三个关键里程碑:自由泳利伯2(Freestyle Libre 2)于6月被美国食品药品监督管理局(US Freestyle Libre 2)清除,针对4岁以下的成年人和儿童患有糖尿病;Libre Sense Sense葡萄糖运动生物传感器于9月份为16岁及以上的运动员提供了糖尿病。而现在,自由泳Libre 3已获得4岁及以上糖尿病的CE Mark。"Abbott won’t stop innovating when there’s room to raise the bar. We’ve done that again with FreeStyle Libre 3, the smallest sensor that delivers life-changing benefits and best-in-class accuracy," said Jared Watkin, senior vice president, Diabetes Care, Abbott. Abbott is launching the FreeStyle Libre 3 system in Europe in the coming months.



²Alva,Shridhara,Timothy Bailey,Ronald Brazg,Erwin S. Budiman,Kristin Castorino,Mark P. Christiansen,Gregory Forlenza,Mark Kipnes,David R. Liljenquist和Hanqing Liu。“具有糖尿病的小儿和成人人群的高级算法的14天工厂校准连续葡萄糖监测系统的准确性。”糖尿病科学技术杂志,(2020年9月)。。


