GAP Inc.连续四年被认为是世界上最道德的公司之一

GAP Inc.连续四年被认为是世界上最道德的公司之一


GAP Inc.(NYSE:GPS)连续第四年被Ethisphere Institute认可为2010年世界上最合适的公司之一。“Gap Inc.’s promotion of a sound ethical environment shines within its industry and shows a clear understanding that operating under the highest standards for business behavior goes beyond goodwill and ‘lip-service’ and is linked to performance and profitability,” said Alex Brigham, Executive Director of the Ethisphere Institute. “This year’s World’s Most Ethical Companies award was more competitive than ever, because companies realize that making ethics a priority is critical amidst a tough economic environment.”

2010年3月22日,星期一 - 下午1:30


(3blmedia/the金博宝手机版网页csrfeed)加利福尼亚州旧金山 - 2010年3月22日 - 连续第四年,Gap Inc.(NYSE:GPS)已被Ethissphere Institute认可为2010年世界上最道德的公司之一。

“Gap Inc.’s promotion of a sound ethical environment shines within its industry and shows a clear understanding that operating under the highest standards for business behavior goes beyond goodwill and ‘lip-service’ and is linked to performance and profitability,” said Alex Brigham, Executive Director of the Ethisphere Institute. “This year’s World’s Most Ethical Companies award was more competitive than ever, because companies realize that making ethics a priority is critical amidst a tough economic environment.”
“Gap Inc. is honored to again be included among the World’s Most Ethical Companies based on our holistic approach to ensuring ethical business practices across our company,” said Dan Henkle, Senior Vice President of Global Responsibility, Gap Inc. “While we’re proud of this recognition, we remain committed to constantly evaluating our efforts and looking for new ways to ensure our business is conducted in an ethical and socially responsible manner each and every day.”
这是第四年的Ethisphere,这是一个智慧,致力于创建,进步和分享商业道德,企业社会责任,反腐败和可持续性的最佳实践,已发布了WME排名,这些排名出现在Ethissphere Magazine杂志第一期中。金博宝怎么注册
有关Gap Inc.对社会责任承诺的承诺的其他信息可以在线找到 。有关乙状研究所的信息,包括排名项目和会员资格,请访问
关于Gap Inc.
Gap Inc.是一家领先的全球专业零售商,为男士,女人,儿童和婴儿提供差距,香蕉共和国,老海军,Piperlime和Athletha品牌的男士,女人,儿童和婴儿提供服装,配饰和个人护理产品。2009财年的销售额为142亿美元。Gap Inc.在美国,英国,加拿大,法国,日本和爱尔兰经营约3,100家商店。此外,Gap Inc.通过在亚洲,欧洲,拉丁美洲和中东的特许经营协议扩大其国际业务。有关更多信息,请访问
