


今天签署的谅解备忘录,作为中美清洁能源合作签字仪式的一部分,在北京,将导致一个合资公司,通用电气和神华将执行战略眼光扩大商业规模的提高成本和性能气化和整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)解决方案。这包括在中国工业煤炭气化应用以及共同追求商业规模的部署和碳捕获IGCC电站。“神华的结合丰富的经验在开发和操作在中国煤气化和燃煤发电设施与通用电气已被证实的气化和IGCC技术将创建一个领先的气化技术在中国的业务与当地重要的存在,焦点,资源和技术专长,”王先生小林说,神华集团副总裁。“煤炭中扮演一个重要的角色在美国和中国的经济,和气化技术允许我们使用这种丰富的、低成本的资源以更清洁的方式,”Steve Bolze说通用电气能源和水处理公司,总裁兼首席执行官。“一旦确立,这合资企业将是一个重要的投资通用电气神华气化的未来在中国和清洁煤炭技术的部署。每个业务将促进现有技术、运营和服务专家来创建一个全面的气化和清洁煤炭技术和服务提供商在中国。“双方预计交易将在2010年上半年完成,最终协议的谈判和获得所有必需的批准。气化技术已成为一个重要的工具在中国经济的扩张,允许各种各样的工业产品和燃料从低成本创建丰富的煤炭资源。通用电气的气化技术是应用最广泛的技术之一的中国,与40多个授权设施。气化项目在中国变得更大、更复杂,先进的技术,如通用电气的新的大规模淬火气化炉和高压气化技术将会降低整个项目成本的关键。神华集团是世界上最大的煤炭和能源公司,煤炭储量,燃煤发电的发展和一个国家的作用的新煤型油和碳封存等技术。 Shenhua has significant experience in the development of coal-to-chemicals facilities and in the operation of coal gasification systems over a range of technology configurations. IGCC and carbon capture technologies have been commercially demonstrated and will need to be widely deployed to enable low cost power generation from domestic energy resources, while at the same time achieving significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions globally. “Additional commercial scale IGCC and carbon capture facilities are needed though to further develop the industry and provide an opportunity for cost reduction and certainty, and to develop a carbon sequestration service industry,” said Bolze. “GE has been active in China for nearly 100 years, and we are pleased to be working with Shenhua as further demonstration of our commitment to helping China fulfill their energy needs through a diverse set of technologies.” The US and China are two of the largest consumers of coal for industrial applications and power generation. There is significant interest in seeing cleaner gasification technologies and IGCC with carbon capture widely deployed in a carbon-constrained environment. GE has been at the forefront of IGCC technology for more than two decades. GE technology was involved in several milestone projects, including the pilot IGCC plant, Coolwater, in Barstow, California, and the Polk Tampa Electric IGCC plant in Florida that helped demonstrate the commercial feasibility of IGCC. GE also is supplying IGCC technology for Duke Energy’s plant in Edwardsport, Indiana that is expected to be the world’s largest IGCC facility when it comes online in 2012. To learn more about GE’s announcements in China this week, visithttp://www.ge.com/chinanews对通用电气通用电气是一家多元化的全球基础设施、金融和媒体公司,建造世界来满足基本需求。从能源、水、交通运输和获得金钱和健康信息,通用电气服务客户在100多个国家,全球雇员超过300000人。通用电气能源部门的服务开发和部署技术,使自然资源的有效利用。全球有60000名雇员和2008年的收入为386亿美元,通用电气能源www.ge.com/energy是一个世界领先的发电和能源输送技术的供应商。包括通用电气能源的企业——通用电气电力和水,通用电气GE能源服务和石油天然气——共同努力,提供集成的产品和服务解决方案在能源行业的所有领域188bet上不了包括煤炭、石油、天然气和核能;可再生资源,比如水、风能、太阳能和沼气;和其他替代燃料。欲了解更多信息,请访问公司的网站www.ge.com。通用电气是想象力。联系人GE辛西娅·科尔曼Weiqun肖(Lilian) + 1 713 803 0459 + 86 10 5822 3914 + 1 832 671 4540 + 86 13 9010 28073Cynthia.coleman@ge.com Weiqun.xiao@ge.com阿奴Ramamurty、企业和公共事务/埃德尔曼Anu.Ramamurty@edelman.comPh值:212.704.8155细胞:646.298.6661