准备:看T -Mobile的应急响应设备

准备:看T -Mobile的应急响应设备

Friday, October 23, 2020 - 1:00pm


全年,全国各地的社区可能会面临许多自然灾害 - 飓风,龙卷风,野火和地震 - 所有这些都可能带来危及生命的条件并造成破坏。面对这些自然事件中的任何一项,主要问题围绕着受影响社区的人们的安全和福祉,从居民到急救人员,帮助社区在后果。188bet网址怎么打不开

T移动knows how important maintaining connectivity is for evacuation coordination, rescue efforts, calling a loved one to check in and more. We are committed to doing as much as we can for our customers by ensuring our network is ready and our emergency teams are prepared with the tools, equipment and gear they need to keep our customers connected.


T-Mobile works hard to prepare for emergencies and natural disasters that may impact our network, however in the lead up to North America’s 'disaster season,’ marked by the start of hurricane season around June 1, we make a number of准备准备我们的网络和紧急响应。这包括将我们广泛的设备舰队从仓库转移到仓库地点,并从战略上将其置于传统上最容易受到严重风暴条件的美国地区。

Once in the thick of disaster season, the T-Mobile Emergency Management Team (EMT) partners closely with theNational Weather Service和其他合作伙伴,喜欢Stormgeo, to track storms’ paths and projected areas of impact. We use this information to inform preparations and decide if and where our equipment and teams are needed, and we proceed to proactively send people, supplies and equipment to locations close to the projected areas of impact so that we can quickly and conveniently deploy in the aftermath of a storm, as needed.



As our EMT assesses their response to best keep our customers connected, they also work very closely with local authorities to determine when it is safe to enter the impacted areas to carry out any repairs, or deploy a number of solutions that can keep cell sites operational, or provide coverage in the event sites are damaged in the storm.


T-Mobile EMT使用了各种高端技术和设备,因为我们知道拥有合适的设备至关重要。为此,我们专门设计和建造了一些设备和资源,以满足我们独特的响应需求,以使客户保持在最脆弱的社区中。




When there is a power outage, generators are a key piece of portable equipment that our EMT utilizes to provide temporary power to cell sites connected to the affected power grid. After determining a cell site needs power, our team will set up and connect the generator to the site to restore service. Though there may be some instances, due to terrain, site access, resident restrictions or unsafe conditions that may prevent our teams from deploying generators to a site.





COLTs and COWs

Cells on Light Trucks (COLTs) and Cells on Wheels (COWs) are regularly utilized by our EMT as part of our recovery efforts. COLTs and COWs are unique to T-Mobile and specially designed to meet our EMT’s specific needs.


While both COWs and COLTs contain satellites and generators and have comparable technology capabilities, there are some physical distinctions. COWs look like a trailer and must be attached to a truck’s hitch in order to be transported, while a COLT’s satellite and generator are built directly into a truck. The advantage of a COLT is that our teams are able to drive them into some areas that may be too difficult or dangerous to tow a COW due to poor road or terrain conditions.


We’ve built out a fleet of roughly 20 different types of vehicles to support our EMT’s specific needs. We deploy our fleet when a major natural event occurs to transport our teams and equipment to areas of impact. Our fleet of vehicles consist of COLTs, COWs, RVs, Jeeps and more. Plus, since our merger with Sprint, we have doubled the number of satellite capable vehicles.

Our RV serves as the Emergency Operation Center, outfitted with monitors, self-contained WIFI access, small kitchen, bed, restrooms and workspaces where our teams can monitor network recovery, check emails and conduct meetings while deployed to communities hit by a storm. Our teams also open the RV up to first responders to utilize the WIFI or take a break.




点击这里to meet our 188bet网址怎么打不开community response team and learn more about how T-Mobile helps customers and communities in the aftermath of natural disasters.

类别: 创新与技术