

This week, the top 15 Changemaker Challenge teams gathered at T-Mobile’s Bellevue HQ for a three-day lab where Safe Teens Online, MiSendero and Tobelli received the grand prize: $5,000 each in additional seed funding for a total of $15,000



2022年7月27日,星期三 - 上午11:45


在度过童年的夏天时,她在印度拜访了她的祖母时,拉什米·阿拉瓦尼(Rashmi Alawani)被祖母如何使用芳香香料和草药(如姜黄和迷迭香)吸引,以帮助保持食物新鲜。

Now a high school student in Aurora, Ill. and an aspiring scientist, Alawani wondered if this ayurvedic practice that is steeped in the Hindu tradition could, on a greater scale, keep meat, produce and bread fresh longer and prevent spoilage. Earlier this year, she and her friend, Shria Halkoda, founded托贝利,,,,a startup that combines biodegradable food packaging and repurposed cellulose found in tobacco, to create a thin, safe material that helps reduce food waste.

减少食物浪费,United States Agriculture Department估计粮食供应量的30%至40%只是参加本周在华盛顿贝尔维尤T-Mobile总部举行的Changemaker Challenge Lab的青年团队之一。

The young women are one of 15 teams of youth entrepreneurs whose projects made it into the final round of the Changemaker Challenge, the culmination of T-Mobile’s nationwide contest focused on mobilizing youth between the ages of 13 and 18 who have developed bold ideas to create positive change in their communities. The Changemaker Challenge sponsored by T-Mobile, the T-Mobile Foundation andAshoka,,,,empowered the teams to develop projects focused on three categories: Digital Empowerment, Equity in Action and Thriving Planet.

“The Changemaker Challenge Lab is always one of the most fun T-Mobile events of the year and the energy and passion behind these BIG ideas is incredibly inspiring," said Janice V. Kapner, chief communications officer for T-Mobile. “These bright young entrepreneurs will make the world more sustainable, equitable and connected for us all and it's why T-Mobile invests in youth - they are our future and are confidently tackling some of the most pressing issues we are facing in the world today.”

为期三天的沉浸式体验是从三个类别中选出的203项提交的前15个团队,包括数字授权,蓬勃发展的星球和行动权益。15个团队中的每支球队中的每一个都向T-Mobile高管提出了赢得大奖的机会:5,000美元的种子资金,总额达到15,000美元。这些令人印象深刻的想法使T-Mobile高管别无选择,只能将大奖授予安全的青少年在线(数字授权),,,,Misendero(Equity in Action)and托贝利(繁荣的星球),,,,with all three teams receiving an additional $5,000 each in seed funding for their projects to help turn their ideas into reality.

这些一代Z领导者正在主张青少年的在线隐私和安全教育,以更有意义的方式将拉丁美洲的英国学习者整合到学校社区中,并通过虚拟和面对面的黑人和棕色角色来扩大非裔美国人的识字和多样性, 图书俱乐部。

权益行动category winner Romy Greenwald’s grandparents immigrated from Mexico and Cuba and she remembers her mom sharing stories about having challenges learning English. Motivated by her family experiences and hearing from immigrant Latino English students that they felt isolated, sparked the idea for MiSendero, a student-led program to help immigrant Latino students integrate fully into their school community.

“We help integrate Latin American English learning students by creating mutual educational experiences with our members tutoring students learning to speak Spanish,” said Romy Greenwald founder, and president of MiSendero. “It’s a win-win giving Spanish students extra language practice and a chance to get to know native speakers. The support from T-Mobile and Ashoka through the Changemaker Challenge has empowered us to make our dreams come true. We’re already bringing our program into school districts across the country and as a result, we’re helping change how Latin American immigrant students are succeeding academically and socially at school.”

自从四年前在2018年推出Changemaker Challenge挑战以来,T-Mobile和T-Mobile基金会已投资超过250万美元,以支持这些聪明的年轻领导人。迄今为止,大约414,000美元的奖品资金已直接进入了他们的项目中获胜的团队。前改变者挑战赛获奖者对社会产生了显着影响,包括2020年获胜者伊恩·麦肯纳年度时间的孩子通过可食用的园艺和伊恩的给花园。在过去的两年中,他的项目为有需要的家庭提供了超过20,000磅的有机农产品和德克萨斯州奥斯汀的食品储藏室。

The Changemaker Challenge is part of T-Mobile’s commitment to being a force for good. To learn more about this year’s Changemaker Challenge Grand Prize winners, see below:

Safe Teens Online



有关Changemaker挑战的更多信息,并查看赢家的完整列表, 访问t-mobile.com/changemaker