通用磨坊to Reduce Absolute Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30% Across its Full Value Chain Over Next Decade

通用磨坊to Reduce Absolute Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30% Across its Full Value Chain Over Next Decade

Monday, September 21, 2020 - 4:00pm

CONTENT: Press Release

MINNEAPOLIS, September 21, 2020 /3BL Media/ – General Mills announced a pledge to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent across its full value chain – from farm to fork to landfill – over the next 10 years1.该公司还致力于到2050年之前实现长期目标,以实现净零排放水平。绝对温室气体承诺是使用基于科学的目标计划(SBTI)批准的方法来计算的,该方法学批准了科学降低的一定水平,科学建议是必要的排放水平。维持地球的健康。General Mills是第一家发布SBTI批准目标的公司in 2015.

General Mills董事长兼首席执行官Jeff Harmening表示:“我们很荣幸能够实现这一雄心勃勃的目标,这将采取强大的领导和协作来推动整体变革。”“From farmers and suppliers, to where we make our food, to packaging producers and shippers, to retailers, and finally how we get it to our consumers’ tables, each step in our value chain has a critical role to play -- that’s how we’ll tackle this to ensure we are doing more and taking bolder actions.”


公司价值链中的每个步骤都有独特的挑战和机遇。General Mills有四个关键的野心,指导其工作以加速行星健康,健康的生活生态系统以及繁荣的农民和社区,包括:包括:

  • 减少温室气体排放across the full value chain by 30% by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050 in alignment with the new SBTi 1.5oC guidance;
  • Advance regenerative agriculture到2030年,整个公司在100万英亩的采购范围内,并在成分类别中激活了最大的温室气体占地面积;
  • Reduce food loss and waste在公司的业务中占50%;和
  • Advance respect for human rights在公司的价值链中,根据联合国指导商业和人权原则。


主要的可持续性和社会影响力玛丽·简·梅伦德斯(Mary Jane Jane Melendez)说:“重新调整我们对更具攻击性目标的承诺与我们在150多年中的业务如何与我们的核心价值观之一保持一致 - 一直在做正确的事。”金博宝怎么注册通用米尔斯的官员。“虽然我们的最大影响在我们的四堵墙之外 - 在农业,成分和包装上,但我们知道我们在帮助恢复行星健康方面有角色。”


多达三分之一的温室气体来自食品系统,其中80%来自农业。General Mills与农民和供应商合作,以解决关键的增长维度,包括减少温室气体排放,水管理和土壤健康,以建立更多的气候弹性农场。

2019年,通用磨坊做了致力于到2030年推进100万英亩农田的再生农业. The company defines regenerative agriculture as holistic, principles-based farming and ranching that seeks to strengthen ecosystems and community resilience. When implemented together, practices like cover crops, reduced tillage, diverse crops, biodiversity and integrating livestock have the ability to build soil health. Healthy soil can hold more water, increase resilience to floods and droughts, supply more nutrients to plants and purify water. To date, more than 250,000 acres are collectively managed across three pilot programs.

2013年,通用磨坊做了到2020年底,致力于可持续的10%优先成分中的100%. In fiscal 2019, the company sustainably sourced 91% of its top 10 ingredients, which represent about 50% of the company’s total raw material purchases and have a significant impact on its total environmental footprint. As part of this commitment, the company works closely with suppliers and farmers to strengthen sustainable farming practices.

Accountability within our operations

该公司对减少温室气体排放的关注正式始于2005年的直接运营。在2005年至2015年之间,General Mills将其制造的温室气体排放率降低了23%,绝对排放量降低了11%,而净销售额则上涨了57%。该公司通过在其自有的设施中更有效地使用能源并转换为温室气体密集型形式的能源来实现这一目标。关键项目包括合并操作,改进压缩空气,照明和蒸汽/热水,以及从其风能协议中应用可再生能源证书(REC)。


Lower Impact Packaging

通用磨坊不断创新,以通过更好的设计来减少包装的环境影响 - 通过减少材料的使用,切换到降低影响材料(包括可再生和可回收)并提高卡车填料效率。

The company has a target to source 100% of its fiber packaging by the end of 2020 from recycled material or from virgin wood fiber regions that do not contribute to deforestation, and through 2019, had achieved 99.5%. And in early 2019, General Mills announced an到2030年,其包装的100%可回收或重复使用.

Leaning into Climate Action

米尔斯将军最近签署了Business Ambition for 1.5oC, a global movement of leading companies aligning their business with the most ambitious of the Paris Agreement, to limit global temperature rise to 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels and reach net-zero by 2050 for the best chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. As of September 15, more than 282 visionary corporate leaders have signed the commitment to take action.

SBTI合作伙伴之一CDP首席执行官保罗·辛普森(Paul Simpson)说:“科学很明确:为了限制气候变化的灾难性影响,我们必须确保变暖不超过1.5°C。”“野心很高,但可以实现 - 基于科学的目标为公司提供了到达那里的路线图。全球公司有一个前所未有的机会,可以处于过渡到净零经济的最前沿,而且没有时间损失。”


“尽管我们的成功取决于ouractions, we cannot get there on our own,” added Melendez. “We believe every company, government and individual has a role to play.”

1.5°C的商业野心is a campaign led by the Science Based Targets initiative in partnership with theUN Global Compact和the我们的意思是商业联盟.

For more information on General Mills commitments, progress and work underway, visit the company’s 2020Global Responsibility Report.

通用磨坊is a leading global food company whose purpose is to make food the world loves. Its brands include Cheerios, Annie's, Yoplait, Nature Valley, Häagen-Dazs, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Old El Paso, Wanchai Ferry, Yoki, BLUE and more. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, General Mills generated fiscal 2020 net sales of U.S. $17.6 billion. In addition, General Mills’ share of non-consolidated joint venture net sales totaled U.S. $1.0 billion.

*According toScienceBasedTargets.org/.

1通用磨坊’ 2030 climate target is based on fiscal years from 2020 through 2030.


Mollie Wulff