传奇的篮球巨星比尔沃顿挑战每个人“进入游戏”在这个采访梅丽莎·麦金尼斯,Greenopolis电视。圣地亚哥是一个本地,比尔-沃顿真正喜欢这些城市提供,包括其美丽的海滩和海洋。他觉得现在是时候去挑战每个人的生活“进入游戏”教育自己和采取行动对海洋污染的巨大挑战。海洋是压力!海洋废弃物——主要是塑料污染——漩涡在少数海洋环流,多于浮游生物,扼杀和令人窒息的野生动物,污染我们的食物供应。甩了汞、石油、杀虫剂和磷酸盐破坏原始海岸,珊瑚和动物造成威胁。比尔沃顿希望结束这和想帮助消息问每一个人:“如果你不听,还会有谁?”We can all make a difference and it is up to each of us to contribute. The science and statistics are daunting, but the solutions are practical and personal: use less plastic, recycle what plastic you do use, buy products made from recycled content, consult sustainable seafood guides, eat more sardines and less tuna, harvest your rain water, eat pesticide free, walk or bike to school and work, snorkel or scuba dive, support the political process of marine protected areas off local coasts and those afar. Don't miss your "shot" to make a difference.