Gildan Reveals Its Next Generation ESG Strategy and Future Targets

Gildan Reveals Its Next Generation ESG Strategy and Future Targets

Monday, January 17, 2022 - 8:05am



  • Decarbonizing its supply chain in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • 创新和投资减少减少计划
  • Heightened focus on circularity and sourcing sustainable raw materials
  • Strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion by setting a first-time goal on gender parity
  • 披露计划与气候相关财务披露工作组保持一致(TCFD)

MONTREAL, January 17, 2022 /3BL Media/ – Gildan Activewear Inc. (GIL: TSX and NYSE) is pleased to unveil the Company’s Next Generation ESG strategy and future goals. Embedded in the Company’s new approach is a commitment to making meaningful advancements by 2030 in the following areas:

  • Climate, energy, and water,
  • 圆,
  • 人力资本管理,
  • 长期价值创造,以及
  • 透明度和披露。

“从一开始,我们就一直在重新构想和建立负责任服装制造的未来。这使吉尔丹成为今天的公司;对我们制造的服装以及我们如何制作的认可,”总裁兼首席执行官Glenn Chamandy说。吉尔丹。“ ESG始终纳入我们的业务战略并反映在我们的市场产品中。这种下一代战略将促使我们提供更强的ESG绩效,并继续加强Gildan作为领先的道德,可持续性和高效的服装公司。”

Gildan’s new strategy seeks to tackle global environmental and social priorities aimed at improving the lives of people who make Gildan garments, further protecting the environment, empowering neighbouring communities, and increasing the sustainability of products delivered to customers worldwide.



吉尔丹(Gildan)致力于通过向低碳未来铺平道路来继续与气候变化的斗争,目的是减少其范围1和2 CO2emissions by 30% by 20301,与SBTI保持一致,以及满足巴黎协议目标所需的脱碳水平。为此,吉尔丹(Gildan)很高兴分享该公司已签署了SBTI承诺信,并与全球公司一起遵循基于科学的方法来减少碳排放。吉尔丹还承诺解决与气候变化有关的水相关风险。因此,吉尔丹计划在其运营中进一步投资水效率,并在其运营中实施额外的降水,再利用和回收选项,目的是到2030年减少自然水的20%1



重要的是,吉尔丹(Gildan)承诺继续确保其供应链中尊重人权。此外,吉尔丹(Gildan)将通过努力提高员工安全并降低其业务中的工作场所风险来将健康和安全绩效推向新标准。为了实现这一目标,Gildan计划在2028年之前在其所有公司拥有和经营的设施中获得ISO 45001认证。


Long-Term Value Creation



A key part of Gildan’s accountability in reaching these targets will be to transparently share the journey with stakeholders. To that effect, Gildan also commits to further enhancing and strengthening its ESG disclosure across its areas of focus, effectively allowing stakeholders to make more informed ESG-focused decisions and maintaining a high degree of trust and understanding of Gildan.

In 2022, Gildan is planning to further enhance alignment to the TCFD framework through a subsequent disclosure in a stand-alone report, which will detail Gildan’s climate-related governance, strategy, risk management and metrics, and targets.

“We are confident that this new strategy will propel our efforts to greater heights and allow us to become a stronger and more resilient Company,” said Claudia Sandoval, Vice-President of Corporate Citizenship at Gildan. “While Gildan embarked on its ESG journey over two decades ago, we know that the path to sustainability is ongoing, which is why we will continue our journey forward to further strengthen our programs. We also know that it is not enough to set targets. Therefore, we are developing clear and credible roadmaps to address the challenges and opportunities we face to continue to make meaningful positive impacts, and we won’t be doing it alone. Our success depends on the collaboration of all key stakeholders, and we are excited to foster and leverage a global, collaborative approach to bring our goals to life.”

Learn more about Gildan’s Next Generation strategy and 2030 targetshere


本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述构成了1995年《美国私人证券诉讼改革法》和加拿大证券立法和法规的含义中的前瞻性陈述,并受到重要风险,不确定性和假设的约束。这些前瞻性陈述包括与公司的下一代ESG战略以及与公司未来资本分配相关的ESG目标,承诺以及目标和声明有关的陈述。前瞻性陈述通常可以通过使用条件或前瞻性术语(例如“可能”,“威尔”,“期望”,“打算”,“估算”,“项目”,“假设”,“预期”,可以确定。”,“计划”,“预见”,“信仰”或“继续”,或者这些条款或它们的这些术语或类似术语的负面因素。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息或陈述的目的是为读者提供对公司下一代ESG策略和ESG目标,承诺和目标的描述。此信息可能不适合其他目的。从本质上讲,此类陈述受到重大风险,假设和不确定性的影响,这可能会导致吉尔丹的实际结果和经验与预期的结果实质上不同。We refer you to the Company’s filings with the Canadian securities’ regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the risks described under the “Financial risk management”, “Critical accounting estimates and judgments”, and “Risks and uncertainties” sections of our Annual Report’s most recent Management’s Discussion and Analysis for a discussion of such risks and assumptions. Our ability to achieve our ESG targets, commitments and goals is further subject to, among others, our ability to access and implement all technologies, processes and methods necessary to achieve our targets, commitments and goals, our ability to leverage our supply chain and vertically integrated business model and our ability to source sustainable raw materials, as well as the development and performance of innovative technologies and the future use and deployment of such technologies and associated expected future results, and environmental policy, legislation and regulation. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release describe our expectations at the date of this press release and, accordingly, are subject to change after such date. The Company does not undertake or accept any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the forward-looking statements included in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise unless required by applicable legislation or regulation. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


吉尔丹(Gildan)是日常基本服装的领先制造商,在北美,欧洲,亚太地区和拉丁美洲的产品中销售其产品,在公司拥有的品牌的多元化投资组合下,包括Gildan®,AmericanApparel®,Comfort®,Comfort®,Gildan®,Gildan®Hammer™,Prim +Preux®,GoldToe®,Anvil®ByGildan®,Alstyle®,Secret®,Silks®,SecretSilky®,TherapyPlus®,Peds®和Medipeds®以及UnderArmour®品牌通过A UnderArmour®品牌在美国和加拿大提供独家分配权的袜子许可协议。我们的产品包括运动服,内衣,袜子,袜子和腿装产品出售给广泛的客户,包括批发分销商,屏幕发布者或手机,以及通过其实体商店和/或电子商务出售给消费者的零售商平台和全球生活方式品牌公司。

Gildan owns and operates vertically-integrated, large-scale manufacturing facilities which are primarily located in Central America, the Caribbean, North America, and Bangladesh. With approximately 47,000 employees worldwide, Gildan operates with a strong commitment to industry-leading labour, environmental and governance practices throughout its supply chain in accordance with its comprehensive ESG program embedded in the Company's long-term business strategy. More information about the Company and its ESG practices and initiatives can be found at, 分别。

Investor inquiries:

Sophie Argiriou

Vice President, Investor Communications

(514) 343-8815


Genevieve Gosselin


(514) 343-8814