Gildan的环境举措将在Starmedia Productions展示:与John Holden的地球
吉尔丹(Gildan)将与艾美奖(Emmy)屡获殊荣的电视连续剧约翰·霍尔顿(John Holden)的《 Starmedia Productions》的表演地球剧集中展出,该电视连续剧聚焦环境计划和使它们实现的创新公司。
“我们很高兴能够在这一部分中得到参与,观众将在我们的制造业务的幕后进行,并了解我们的方式垂直整合业务模型允许我们可持续运营。” Gildan全球通信和公司营销总监Genevieve Gosselin说。
Shot at Gildan’s manufacturing complex in Rio Nance, Honduras, the segment highlights discussions with some of the Company’s leadership, including Israel David Salinas, Senior Vice-President of Global Supply Chain and Product Development, Claudia Sandoval, Vice-President of Corporate Citizenship, and Carlos Duran, Vice-President of Engineering. Through these discussions, viewers will discover some of Gildan's environmental technologies such as the biomass, the Biotop, heat recovery system, and absorption chillers, which enable the Company to conserve and reuse resources, while moving forward in its journey of Making Apparel Better®。
这一集将于9月25日在福克斯商业网络上播出Th美国东部标准时间下午5:00,彭博电视台10月2日ND和9Th美国东部标准时间下午3:30和10月9日的BNN彭博社Th美国东部时间上午10:30。该节目还将在流媒体平台Vimeo,Roku,Amazon Fire TV,Google TV和YouTube上提供。