Girls Inc. Releases Stronger, Smarter, Bolder: Girls Take the Lead Report — Trend Analysis of Major Factors Affecting Girls and Guidance on Nurturing the Next Generation of Women Leaders

Girls Inc. Releases Stronger, Smarter, Bolder: Girls Take the Lead Report — Trend Analysis of Major Factors Affecting Girls and Guidance on Nurturing the Next Generation of Women Leaders

New evaluation from American Institutes for Research found Girls Inc. girls more likely to see themselves as leaders, influencing and improving their local communities.
Image Credit: Girls, Inc.

Image Credit: Girls, Inc.

Monday, January 6, 2020 - 3:00pm

CONTENT: Press Release

NEW YORK, January 6, 2020 /3BL Media/–Girls Inc.这是激励所有女孩坚强,聪明和大胆的领先非营利组织,今天发布更强壮,更聪明,更大胆:女孩带头,关于确保女孩准备在商业,政治及其社区中取得领导角色的准备的报告。该报告既是对当今塑造女孩生活的主要因素的最新研究的广泛分析,并且对社区最关键的支持的建议应重点关注女孩。在美国研究学院(AIR)的一项新研究中,获得女子公司提供的支持的女孩比没有的同龄人具有很大的优势。

尽管当今的主要领导职务比以往任何时候都多,但在顶级领导中仍然存在普遍的性别差距。更强壮,更聪明,更大胆:女孩带头outlines four fundamental supports that Girls Inc. has determined are universally beneficial to girls and create the conditions for girls to overcome systemic societal challenges and become strong leaders: providing mentoring relationships, encouraging girls to develop and use their voices, promoting positive self-image, and fostering intellectual confidence.

这些支持可以帮助女孩导航和克服她们面临的多方面,相互联系和持续的障碍。该报告强调了一些有关女孩的最新研究,指出了塑造他们生活的11个关键因素。该报告对美国和加拿大的女孩成长中的景观展示了全面的整体看法。检查了以下因素:体育活动,心理健康,药物使用,青少年怀孕,教育成就,经验,毕业率,少年正义,健康的关系 - 骚扰和性虐待以及领导机会。

“The research shows us that Girls Inc. is making progress on some of the toughest issues girls face—but all of us working in this field still have room to improve, especially in our work with girls of color, LBGTQ+ girls, and low-income girls. All girls deserve equity of access to wellbeing and opportunity, and we have to see the whole girl, in her context and community. That’s what Girls Inc. has always done, and we believe that’s a key to the success we’ve achieved,” said Stephanie J. Hull, Ph.D., President & CEO of Girls Inc.

Recently, the American Institutes for Research completed a study designed to isolate and identify the impact of Girls Inc. on girls’ lives. The evaluation was a two-year, quasi-experimental research study that compared girls in Girls Inc. with a similar group of non-participating girls on subjective self-report measures of experiences, skills, and attitudes, and on objective measures from schools on academic and school-based performance. Researchers determined with confidence that regardless of demographic, academic, and social characteristics, girls who participated in Girls Inc. were outpacing their peers in multiple areas of success and were more likely to:

  • 将自己视为领导者,具有影响和改善当地社区的技能和能力。
  • Exercise regularly and participate in sports teams.
  • Have higher standardized math test scores and self-confidence in STEM subjects, and see themselves in STEM careers.
  • 要参加学校并上学,避免严重的纪律处分,包括被停职,并在高中后为终身做好准备。

"In a rigorous comparison study, we found that girls who participate in the Girls Inc. Experience demonstrated improved academic performance, school-related behaviors, physical activity, and leadership outcomes," said Dr. Deborah Moroney, Managing Director of the American Institutes for Research, a not-for-profit research organization with best-in-class experts focused on social science research, evaluation, and technical assistance.

“The future success of our global economy relies on girls having access to the education and resources they need for careers and leadership roles in finance, economics and technology,” said Arlene Isaacs-Lowe, Global Head of CSR at Moody’s Corporation and President of the Moody’s Foundation. “As a longtime partner of Girls Inc., we’ve had wonderful opportunities to host many groups of girls in our offices and introduce them to the fundamentals of data science and the tech industry. The impact on these girls has been tremendous—when girls are given the opportunities to reach their full potential, all of society benefits.”

Concluded Dr. Hull, “Communities, and service organizations like Girls Inc., need to develop a new set of policy initiatives, structures, and best practices that respond to real challenges for today’s girls. Our structured approach is grounded in providing the fundamental opportunities and supports that help them realize their extraordinary potential.”

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